Two years of Mark Wildman's Nerd Math / Tetris of Training


New member
On October 23, 2021, I started structuring (and just as importantly, tracking) my KB workouts the way Mark Wildman suggested in his "Nerd Math" and "Tetris of Training" videos (all of which are conveniently compiled here by @fbgah). Here's how much I've progressed:

October 2021
  • swings - 16kg
  • getups - 16kg - 3 reps per side was the most I could do
  • clean and press - 16kg - 5 sets of 2 reverse ladders per side
  • front squats - 16kg - 5 sets of 5 per side (1 min rest between sets)
  • Snatch - 20lb (9kg)- 6 sets of 5 per side
October 2023
  • swings - 26kg (really enjoying my KBK adjustable comp bell)
  • getups - 26kg - 3 reps per side (new PR on Saturday!)
  • clean and press - 24kg - 4 sets of 3 reverse ladders per side
  • goblet squats - 24kg - 9 sets of 10 EMOM (new PR today!)
  • high pulls - 24g - 9 sets of 5 per side (high pulls > snatches, for me personally)
You might be saying "Dang, that's really slow progress," but a) I started at age 46 and 2) I'm in this for the long haul. I want to be slinging these things around when I'm in my 80s. For now, I can at least pick up my 68lb bulldog when it's bath time, so yay for that.
@benthebeliever Don’t downplay your progress!! That’s a tremendous improvement. You should be really proud of yourself. And the most important part of all of this is that it sounds like your quality of life has improved. And that’s what it’s all about at the end of the day! Congrats!
@benthebeliever I’m in a similar situation. Started seriously hitting the bells a year ago after dabbling with them off and on. Used the Tetris method with a 12kg and I’m off to do some 20kg double TGU (two reps per side for 14 minutes today), a 4, 3, 2, 1 for four sets on the clean and press, and 100 snatches. That’s the plan today, anyway. Already doing swings with the 24kg as well as goblet squats and front squats.

I’m 44 and just try to do a little more each week. Hoping to try for a certification next year. Do it more, better.
@benthebeliever As someone who just started this same program by Mark Wildman a week ago, I'm really glad you posted this progress. I'm in my late thirties, my starting stats are identical to yours, and I'm also in it for the long haul hoping to keep picking up daughter without hurting my back. Thanks for posting and keep at it.

Btw, have you lost much weight? How would you say you feel your strength or effort with everyday activities has changed?
@unclegweedoe I've lost some fat, but probably more from dialing in the diet. I started Intermittent Fasting once a week. That's helped prove to my brain that missing one meal is not a life-threatening situation. 😂
@benthebeliever That’s quite good progress I think. You probably could be going faster but do you also probably don’t need to. If you’re injury free and getting better, you’re doing it right.

Wildman seems kind of polarizing around here, so thanks for adding some personal experience. I have not done any of his programs myself but I’ve incorporated some of his ideas into my training and I like a lot of the exercises he demos on his YouTube. Overall I think he’s a great resource for people to start working out and his approach is well thought out for a lot of ordinary people just looking to be fitter with limited time/equipment/space.
@benthebeliever I have to applaud you for sharing, and applaud your results, and sing kumbaya with everybody else. But, yeah, tbh, I was absolutely thinking, Dang, that's some really slow progress! At least for some of them. Are you sure you can't swing heavier than 26 kg?

What happens if you just try to jump straight to a 32kg or so for swings? Given your other work it just seems that for sure you'd be able to do it, or at least transition to it very quickly. Doesn't Wildman suggest a fast progression, spending just 5 weeks or so on each bell size?

But seriously, kudos, seems like more and more people just stop doing anything every year I age. You're putting in real, consistent, hard work and getting undeniably better at it. Just wonder if maybe at the 2 year mark it'd be a good time to question if there isn't a change that would be beneficial?
Are you sure you can't swing heavier than 26 kg?

It's mainly a grip thing for me. In my workout space, I can't afford to GO BIG with swings and have the KB slip out of my hands. Maybe one day I'll crank the adjustable KB up to 32kg and try swinging in the yard, just to see how it goes.
@benthebeliever Great results. How did you find training volume? I noticed some of his programming he shows swings and tgu on Monday, thur, sq and c+p on Tuesday, Friday

I’ve always thought never work out same muscle groups 2 days in a row and less is more, especially at our age (I’m 50)

I’m just getting back into kettlebells after hiatus and switching to dumbbells

DFW or ABC from Dan John is what I’m considering
@dawn16 Wildmans programming of swings/tgus and then squars/c$p remind me of a push/pull split...the tgu is tricky to program if one comes from a bodybuilding mindset...I would add pullups to the swing day and dips to the press day if equipment is available