Two Years Worth of Booty Growth (Progress Pics)

@dawn16 Thank you!! I know it seems a bit overly said but eating a lot did help me. I went from weighing 130lbs to 150lbs currently. I’m hopping to cut down a bit now while maintaining volume. Fingers crossed!
@spiritualchristian7 What kind of movements do you do to activate your glutes? Been working on that myself, I’ve had knee and I.T band issues solely because my glutes aren’t activated. Any advice is appreciated! :)

You look great btw, keep it up!!
@corey7973 I do a lot of fire hydrants, kick backs, pop squats, donkey kicks, clams, and reverse hyper extensions. I use bands or ankle weights and do it for about 15 minutes at the begining of any leg day. So usually i pick 4-5 ways to activate and do it for 30 sec E/L x 3 times!

Good luck!
@corey7973 Not OP, but I follow Bret Contreras and have found that he recommends a TON of exercises that helped me feel and target my glutes, which has helped with other movements like deadlifts in the longer term.

In addition, for things like hip thrusts and glute bridges in particular, rotating my feet outwards (while still keep my toes flexed towards my knees) helped me utilize my hamstrings less during the movements and really force the glutes to do their job. My biggest tip for these is to make sure that neutral spine/engaged core is there the whole time (almost a hollow body hold) to prevent over-extension and pissing off the lower back.