Unconventional/overlooked glute builders for comatose (not just 'sleepy') booties!

@1confusedmama You can spread your legs to make it more difficult but to start you are trying to press your leg against the wall. If you put your hand over your glute medius you should feel it engage.
@babyfacedave Especially if someone is hamstring-dominant, I always recommend the “hog tie” — named accordingly because, well, you’re basically hogtied — for glute activation. It’s a great way to take the hamstrings out of the equation — the closer you can pull your heels towards your seat in a prone position, the easier it is to shut off the hamstrings and focus solely on glute squeezes. I’ve always used a gait belt around the ankles and a strap around the belt (so you can use your hands to pull the knees bent over your shoulder) for this one.

Also, if you want a challenge with Captain Morgan’s, I always add pulses (into the ball/wall). Or step it up a notch and work on lateral lunges with a slider, making sure to not lean into the opposite hip or over-activate the adductors!
@babyfacedave WTF kinda crazy awesome post is this and where have you been hiding this info?!?

Thank you!

In addition to these moves, I think I’ve been talking to nice to my glutes. Things are a changing tomorrow!
@babyfacedave The poking point is real. I struggle a lot with activation even under extensive instruction, and what sold me on my current personal trainer is if she doesn’t see me activating the right muscle groups, she pokes me in that spot (after I asked her to do so ofc). Feeling external stimulus on the relevant area while under load is like a ‘eureka’ moment, and if I repeat that often enough I have managed to train myself to activate those muscles. It’s made a huge difference and will when I go back to the gym eventually to regain my lost gains.
@babyfacedave Do you need the block on the floor for the Superman bird dogs? I just tried it flat on the floor and it felt like my hamstrings were trying to do the work unless I came up off the bent leg a bit. Not sure if I’m just unable to do the exercise yet or that block really makes a difference.
@dawn16 You may not be able to get it with your trunk horizontal. It's okay to keep your upper body more upright until you can progress to how he's situated in the video. I had to do it that way for a while before I got it.
@babyfacedave My alcoholic ass thought it would be rum. Thanks for teaching this old dog new stuff, that Capt Morgan on the wall feels great.

I have a really high bed frame so I do elevated bridges with my cut out waistband from old leggings around my thighs and ankles
@babyfacedave Thanks for sharing! I overlooked glute activation for YEARS and despite lifting heavy, my ass was flat as a pancake. Started incorporating resistance bands and various warm-ups and finally saw progress in MONTHS. Can't wait to try these later!
@babyfacedave I have the same issue and this is helpful! My right side is really lagging though. I have sciatic pain on that side, a couple herniated discs and scoliosis. Is there any hope for me? I can’t squat or lunge without severe pain. I’ve been to several pros and no one knows what’s up with me.
@babyfacedave Thank you for this! My knees have been on fire lately when I do glute exercises and this helped me figure out that my glutes weren't activating and I was focusing everything on my quads and knees.
@babyfacedave Banded clamshells are my favorite. I go until I feel my glute med burn and sometimes that's 50-60 of them but it always works for me.

Also something that's a little gross/offensive/trigger warning but someone once said that when you're at the top of a squat or a dead lift to squeeze your butt cheeks together like something is trying to shove itself in there and you don't want it. That mental image has stuck with me and really helps keep my glutes engaged during the movement.