Unconventional/overlooked glute builders for comatose (not just 'sleepy') booties!

@randd I'm the opposite, I apparently can't activate my left glute!

And totally agree, I only realised now why I hate glute bridges: they were "simple" but hurting my lower back --> I wasn't even using my glutes for them!
@randd That’s the attitude! I really felt like I was spinning my wheels at the gym so quarantine has been helpful in allowing me to refocus and learn better movement patterns.
@babyfacedave hmm both captain morgans and superman bird dogs seem to activate my quads... not sure if im doing them wrong?

which leg is meant to feel (more) activation for CMs?
@volunteers I would always feel them firing first when I would try to do glute work so it may be a case of weak glutes vs true dominance but I can activate them with no problem and they respond well/quickly to training.
@seward14 My glutes are so comatose they might as well be dead and I pretty much just flopped around for a while. Thanks for that one OP! Good addition to my glute activation exercises.
@seward14 The first 2 pulses felt great and then my hamstring said "oh you need help there?" And then my hamstring immediately cramped and gave out. Bruh no one invited you!!! Stop trying to get involved!!!
@seward14 I have very good Glute activation, I usually get a deep burn from just 10-15 Glute bridges or frog pumps and feel my glutes in all lower body excersises. I can also move and clench my Glute muscles very easily when I’m not even doing anything.

But after trying the super man bird dog I realised maybe my glutes aren’t that strong because I could not even lift my foot off the floor! I can feel a deep burn and it’s the only area I feel activated but still !
@seward14 I’m renaming this one the “we’re not worthy.” Because that’s the move I made after my first few attempts.

I (imo) have good glute activation and can barely get my right leg off the floor. My left is slightly easier which tracks with my left glute being slightly stronger. But holy Alice Cooper that ish is tough!!
@oseas Fr i told my boyfriend I keep smacking my left ass cheek so it would activate

Him: “I’d like to do that too”