Unconventional/overlooked glute builders for comatose (not just 'sleepy') booties!

@cyndinicole I also had heard to squeeze glutes at the top but somewhat recently saw that Katie Crewe recommended not doing this for squats. I think it puts stress on your back when you have a barbell on your shoulders
@mtol117 I've always been either a bodyweight or goblet squat person. I have too severe kyphosis in my neck to comfortably barbell squat so this is something that I've kept in the back of my mind to make those more effective. I could see it ending bad in a barbell/shoulder squat but if you can't do that movement and you need to make lesser more effective the butt squeeze at the top helps A LOT.
@mtol117 It's not as big of a problem if you're squatting pretty light, let's say under 150lbs. With heavier squats, the butt squeeze at the end is definitely felt more, but not in a good way.
@moonserenity Yikes yeah. I just pictured trying to do that in my reps. Of 70% and above and I felt my lower back cringe nine ways to Friday. My back is not willing, I am not willing even the barbell isn't willing
@babyfacedave This is awesome! I came across Captain Morgans on the weekend when I was trying to work out why I had a certain hip niggle during my jogging attempts and they came up in my search.

What I am currently looking for is a glute activation exercise I can use without any bands, without necessarily lying on the ground that I can use before a jog. I think even Captain Morgans against my car might be a solution?

I've been supersetting my quad workout with wall sits, I should be doing the same with Captain Morgans in my glute workout.

God... the list of ways to include Captain Morgans in my routine is endless!
@babyfacedave i will be doing those superman bird dogs. thanks for the post and sharing.

sometimes i think we forget those other exercises (like stretching lol).

Slapping and poking is literally a thing - it is supposed to stimulate the muscle and also make you aware of it. Muscle mind connection is real.
don't get discouraged if you can't even lift your leg off the ground

Challenge accepted. Immediately tried this exercise in my office (alone), heels and all. Well, couldn't get my right leg off the ground. Eventually got it after figuring out how my left leg worked, but damn that's a new kind of hell.
@babyfacedave I feel like one of the most basic, but overlooked is legitimately just "Glute Squeezes". In bellydance technique, we use them as a way to motivate movement in the hips that leaves our obliques and other ab groups free to layer other movements. So we have a lot of glute drills.

It is legitimately practiced by squeeze one glute at a time, alternating or together, and in a variety of positions. It has been exceedingly helpful for me because I can now identify when I'm overengaging other muscles in strength training.

If you do them while in straddle stretch, it is more difficult for your quads to engage.
In bellydance technique,

I would love to know more about this. Whenever I've seen it I'm just stunned at how people can move such specific body parts so fluidly. I'm no dancer but I'd be delighted to at least know how to do some of it.
@aviari It's all practice -- and really, it's a lot about isolating muscles in your core and firing them for the right movement so it doesn't turn into a goopy mess.

There's a number of free videos on youtube of various levels of quality, and normally, I'd suggest finding a local class to give it a shot for a few weeks. Given the circumstance -- My favorite online studio however is daturaonline.com

There's a number of beginner classes there, in a variety of styles, that you can rent without a membership. I would suggest one of Ashley Lopez's hour long beginner videos, as I think she has some of the clearest instruction on the site.
@mhkyeung Wow, thanks! Like I said, I'm definitely not a dancer- but it was one of my New Year's resolutions to get more comfortable with it and try a lesson or two (before everything shut down). Will definitely take a look at those!
@babyfacedave omg THANK YOU for this thread. quarantine has made me realise just how difficult activating my right glute is + what an opportunity i have to improve my performance before gyms reopen