Under Desk Walking Pad or Mini Stepper for WFH


New member
I exercise regularly (gym 3-4 timer per week, and run/walk a few times per week for 3-5km) however other than morning workouts I’m pretty sedentary during the day.

I’d love to go for walks during the day, but never get around to it (I always have way too much work + I’m paid hourly, so if I’m not working I don’t get paid), so I’m thinking of getting an walking pad or mini stepper.

Has anyone got either of these, and can recommend whether to buy a stepper, or walking pad, or if they are a waste of money?
@marianak I have a walking pad, and love it. Any kind of step-thing that goes up and down would be impossible for me, though.

I walk at 3 km/h and have no problem using my computer (I'm a software developer, so lots and lots of clicking and typing involved in my work).
@marianak I tried a stepper while working and it was impossible, you’ll be bouncing up and down and it’s too hard of an exercise to do while working. I do suggest them - but more for watching tv than work

I have a walking pad for work now. I get around 20-25k steps a day between using it and walking my dog
@marianak I have both, but the walking pad is exclusively for working and the stepper for getting a quick moderate cardio session in during my free time. The up/down or swinging motion is too distracting while working, can’t concentrate properly on either task.
The walking pad I use an hour each, one in the late morning and the other hour after lunch

Speed varying by the task I have to do, but if I go at 2.1 or so I get about 4000 steps, with housework and stuff enough steps for a day at home :)

So for purely working from home I’d absolutely recommend the pad!
Got some China brand thing off amazon, about 120-50 bucks, no app

Edit: words missing 🤔
@marianak I bought a walking pad from Amazon. Not sure what your work day is like, but I don't think the motion of the stair stepper would be too conducive to my work or good for Zoom meetings.

I've gradually increased my speed on the walking pad from 2.0mph to 2.7. I'm on it for a couple hours at a time and base the speed on talking during meetings and my ability to get work done with the normal number of errors.

I'll also walking on it fast when I'm watching TV.
@christianwomanljc Urevo. Came ready to go out of the box. The console folds down, but I never do it. It does not have side rails--which some people like for safety. It has a bluetooth app, but I never use it, I just start "Indoor Walking" workout on my Apple watch. I already had a standing desk set up, so transitioning to the walking pad was easy.
@marianak I got a super fit one used on fb but they’re on amazon for a few hundred bucks. easy enough to move around and cheap enough I don’t feel back that I will randomly go weeks without using it
@marianak I have one and I became too lazy to keep putting it out and back when I was done so I started just keeping it out and now when I work I’m either standing or walking and if I really need to sit down and work I take my laptop to my kitchen. I noticed that my shoulder blades don’t get knots like they used to AND my average step count is about 8k daily. Highly highly recommend.
@marianak I haven’t pulled the trigger but I see walking pads on Facebook marketplace for 100-150 from people who bought them but didn’t commit. You could probably find some in your area too!
@kaylon123456 Thanks for the suggestion. I just had a look, and there's a couple available, but not that much cheaper than buying new from Amazon, so I think I'll end up buying new from Amazon so I can get a warranty :)
Thanks ladies. You’ve convinced me.

Now to find a good one that’s not super expensive in Australia. The walker pro looks great, but nearly $1800 here, and the uMay is $2000+ 😩😳
@marianak I got the Blacklord one from Woolworths Marketplace a month ago and I love it! I wanted to start with a cheap one so if it didn’t work out for me I hadn’t dropped too much. Obviously I can’t say how long it will last since I haven’t had it for long.
@marianak I just bought a cheap one off Amazon (about $200 US). A good treadmill is that much in the US. Are you sure you're looking at walking pads? They typically don't go faster than 4.0mph, don't incline, and are narrower/shorter than a treadmill.
@stormsailor Some brands in Australia are suuuuuper expensive, compared to there states.

I found one that looks like it ticks all my boxes for $400 AUD.

fingers crossed it’s not super craptastic!!!