Update: 3.5 years of BWF (38/M)


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Update: 3.5 years of BWF - M/38/5’10/150lb

Another six month update from a guy in his late 30's whose life was transformed by BWF. It's crazy to think that I've updated this sub every 6 months for the last 3.5 years but the number of people in their 30's and 40's that reach out makes me feel like it's worth continuing.

3.5 year progress update

On the left I’m posed relaxed and then flexed. Also wanted to show some back gains in the top right and then some profile gains. Weight in may 2020 was 188, now 150. BWF and the RR has changed my life, physically, mentally, and socially. My head is clearer, my friend group has transformed, and I am more confident in my ability to do physical activities.

I still train 3 days a week, 80/20 clean vegetarian eating (no counting calories but I do try to hit at least 135g of protein a day). Unfortunately I frayed my rotator cuff and have been dealing with some bicep tendonitis so I’ve had to forgo working out at venice beach for a local gym. This was so that I can perform certain movements more safely. It’s been about 4 months since I was able to perform a push movement (no handstand, planche, dips, or push-ups) so I guess the HSPU goal will have to move to 2024.

Here are a few things that worked really well for me in the last six months:
  • Hit abs first. The growth in my abs were immediately noticeable. I’ve always wanted a six pack and hitting abs first allowed me to prioritize that muscle group.
  • 2 protein drinks before I snack. I snack at night, so my new rule is to drink two protein shakes (I use orgain plant protein drinks) before I snack on anything. No restrictions, just got to smash those shakes.
Hopefully this inspires some of you people in your 30’s and 40’s to get started. Day one or one day, the choice is yours and I’m here to help. PM’s are open :)

Here’s my current routine (based off the RR):
  • 40lb dumbbell hanging leg raise
  • explosive pull-up x 20lb pistol squat
  • close grip banded incline bench x hip thrusts
  • front lever progressions
  • YWT dumbbell exercise
  • bicep exercises circuit (db and banded chin-up, hammer curl, ISO’s)
Supps:protein shake 6/weekPure protein bars: 6/weekcreatine 3-5x's/weekmultivitamin 4x's/week

No restrictive eating, no counting macros (just roughly counting protein), vegetarian diet, just BWF, one cardio or yoga class a week, raving every other weekend. Oh yea, not much of a drinker. I probably have 5-6 drinks/month.
Incredible process dude. Congrats!

I should get better about taking progress pics more frequently but every 6 months at this point is probably fine. Funny thing is I thought I was gaining weight but it looks like I'm still leaner than 6 months ago.
@rkenoke The glow up is insane my dude!!! Congrats!

It’s funny, I am also 5’10, but over a couple years calisthenics took me from a skin-and-bones 150 lbs. to a much more beastly 175ish, same thing just the opposite direction lol.
@rkenoke Great improvement on the physique! But if we're looking at your smile change (most noticeable in the bottom right), I think your smile in 2020 is where it's at!
@rkenoke Yo! Witnessing your updates has been an inspiration. I'm a 32M 5'11" Asian guy myself, started at 220 lbs, didn't really get into doing a BWF routine until I reached 200, and just hit 180 for the first time this week. In my head I'm always trying to figure out how much more I'd have to lose to start getting a cut physique like yours, and it looks like I still have a way to go :)
@anchris Nice my guy! I mean honestly even after year one I thought I was cut as hell haha. You damn near lost 20% of your body weight. Maybe more if you don’t include the muscle mass you’ve gained. You should be proud as hell
@rkenoke You do tucked leg raises then with the extra weight? I was thinking of progressing to a fully extended leg raise now that I can do sets of 12 with the tucked version
@sandy67 Yep, I wanted to add some mass and my shoulder pain kept me from being able to stay on the dip bar for very long. Straight leg is a great progression. Just be mindful any swinging and focus on the eccentric (1 sec up, 3 sec down). You might also be ready for the L sit
@peejaay Slow changes might be the cause for the lack of loose skin. Maybe all the collagen production from eating whole foods. Who knows but I’m thankful