Update: I never found the shirt, but I ran the Half!


New member
Update to this post

I was unable to find a lightweight shirt with a vegan slogan I liked, and I was too busy to effort a custom design, but I ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon Saturday!

Finished in 2 hrs, 9 minutes with an average pace of 9:52. My goal next time is a 9:30.

Anyway, thanks to you all on this sub and other vegan subs for a sense of community and inspiration. Take care.
@bk92 Awesome. Congratulations. I've put my name in the ballot for next year's London marathon. If I get in it will be my first running event, so I'll try get a half or a 10k in before hand.
@jembang Good luck with the ballot! I got to run the NYC marathon in 2017 thanks to their lottery system. It was an exhilarating experience.
@bk92 I would love to do the NY one too. But it's not financially viable for me right now. And I guess not really environmentally friendly flying to another continent for a long run 😅😁. But hopefully in a few years I will be able to tie it in with a nice long holiday too. Would love to hike a section of one of America's stunning trails like the Appalachian or PCT, so maybe a combo holiday .