Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

@cookiemon Do you know if they have security cameras in that space? It sounds like it's coed so assume everyone is wearing a swimsuit and so they can have security cameras in there. I would try to see if there's footage capturing him using his phone if so. Sometimes places will only give you access to security cameras if you first file a police report. They often delete after a period of time so worth pursuing this asap.

As others have said, I'm not sure if this is illegal (unfortunately) but it is super creepy and it sounds like against the gym's policy to use a cell phone in that room, so I think it's absolutely worth it to keep pushing for this guy's membership to be revoked. I expect the manager just doesn't want to deal with it so I think it's worth it to escalate to gym corporate and/or public shame (like a question in a local Facebook group asking what to do about the situation).

Honestly it seems crazy to me that they have a co-ed hot tub and sauna. It's sad that this is the world we live in. OP I'm so sorry this happened to you!!
@cookiemon I’d start publicly shaming them on social media for their inaction tbh. See how long it takes them to take action once their customer base and income is at stake.
@cookiemon Yes, escalate to a higher up person. This guy has been abusing the managerial position for his inappropriate purposes, and it’s wild to me that he seems to think a simple “oops, sorry” to you is sufficient, let alone reassuring.
@cookiemon Definitely depends on where this happened. Some states in the USA have laws about recording other people without consent. Be worth talking to your local authorities. Best of luck.
@kiki112 @OP don’t listen to this shit. You were filmed and you need to keep pressure on. So sick of this shit take that women need to leave or inconvenience themselves when being harassed or threatened. It’s not on you to find a new gym. It’s on the gym to both remove him, and possibly to seek out legal ramifications so he can’t do this to other women.
@cookiemon Try and get a picture of the man and then print it out and stick it on the inside of all the locker doors in the women’s change room warning them to be on the look out

Fuck that, I’m so sorry that happened to you, what a violation
@niki24 That’s the issue for me. I don’t know if I’ll recognize him if I see him. In fact it’s so unsettling cuz I have NO idea if he’s been at the gym working out at the same time as me. I don’t think he has. They’ve told me he’s only been in in the morning now… but still. GDI