Urgent advice! Someone filming me at the gym. Gym won’t take action

@sebaaaa If I don’t get a call from the boss today I’m gonna be pissed. Seriously. The OM told me to my face several times that he completely forgot and he’s sorry. Slap in the face.
@cookiemon He didn’t forget. He’s trying to make this go away.

That’s why you have to keep making a fuss.

If you see any staff that are women I would tell them what happened and that you feel like the OM isn’t taking it seriously.

I work at a ymca and We’ve had some CREEPS at our gym and some have harassed and stalked the women staff so I’d imagine they’ve done it to members too. One member asked if my coworker was working and the fucking front desk guy gave him her schedule. I was PISSED. I took that to the director. Some men are so stupid.

I just think women respond differently to these situations. And even if nothing happens I would still tell everyone about it. And let the gossip and rumors fly.
@cookiemon (Sorry this is a long response)

I’m sorry this happened to you. I had something similar happen to me, but not in a gym. I called the police several times as this was something on going and I got mixed results. Sometimes the police would come and try to speak with the man, but he was in a building with a locked door lobby, so they were not able to actually speak with him directly as he wouldn’t buzz them in. Other times they just wouldn’t come at all (I lived in a big city and some calls were not responded to if they weren’t deemed worthy). If they had come, they would have caught him in the act quite a few times and nearly did the times they came. I was persistent enough that eventually a detective from the sex crimes unit contacted me. He was very sympathetic and seemed to want to pursue my complaint. I gave a statement and told him I would absolutely be a witness if this man was arrested. I got the feeling I was not the only one who had complained, although he wouldn’t give me much information. Months later, I find out he had actually been arrested but released. I was never contacted about any of this, so I was left very confused. That basically was a dead end as far as the police involvement.

Anyway, I resorted to having a lawyer contact the owner of the building this man was in. I did not do this lightly, but felt extremely threatened that this man was still doing this despite the police involvement and this obviously could turn into a dangerous situation for me or any other women who he was doing this to. Luckily, I knew a lawyer who was willing to do this for me for free. So, I’m not sure of the cost. It was years ago and I can’t quite remember what he said, but it basically outlined that their tenant was having police called on them and was under investigation for filming women without their consent. Whatever it said, it worked because the man was evicted a week later.

I guess my best advice would be to follow up with police regarding the incident and get it on paper. I’m going to assume that won’t go anywhere, but there will be a record of the complaint. This might be enough to scare the upper management into taking action. If it isn’t, you can try going the route I did and have a lawyer send a letter to management. If you don’t want to do that, you can always contact them yourself with the complaint numbers the police give you. If none of that gets some traction, then you should absolutely get on social media and blast them. Other women need to know that this man is there doing this and that management won’t do anything about it.

I know some people might say that this isn’t a big deal, but it absolutely is. We all know what they’re doing with these videos and it really is a precursor to other behaviors which could turn physical. We deserve to feel safe.
@cookiemon As a former OM of a Gym where I live, I am appalled at the fact that no one wanted to do anything about it. My GM and I have cancelled memberships just for making anyone and I mean anyone uncomfortable in anyway shape or form.

I'm sorry to say if the gym does nothing you may have to cancel your membership, I would also report this to the Better Business Bureau so that changes may be made if necessary.

I am so sorry you have had to deal with this issue.
@borli1jl In another life I would’ve taken his phone and dumped it in the water. I was honestly way too kind and compassionate in that situation. Told him he’s a fucking weirdo and to knock it off. Didn’t help he didn’t speak English well.
@cookiemon bullshit he didn’t speak English well. Mother****er was probably faking it. They pull that shit all the time. I’m so sorry OP, this is why women get so bent out of shape around dudes.
@cookiemon I would contact corporate and file a police report. If they don't do anything about it, I would submit a post to NextDoor, local media outlets, and local Facebook groups - fuck them. I'm sorry this happened.
@cookiemon Try the police but be prepared for them to not take it seriously.

Write detailed reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc. Blast them on Twitter if you have an account.

The gym probably won't act unless its revenue is at risk.

I'm sorry this happened to you. That's so gross and violating.
@cookiemon I had an ex bf that was low-grade stalking me. I called the police station and made a report that he (the ex) was making me uncomfortable and I was worried it was going to escalate. That day, a very intimidating officer visited him at work and told him to knock it off. He didn't bother me again. There really are some helpful policemen/women out there that care! I'm so grateful because I honestly thought I was going to end up on Dateline.
@cookiemon My husband is an OM at a gym. He had an incident/altercation with a member after the male member was kissed on the face by another male member who then felt uncomfortable and told a trainer who told my husband (OM). He spoke with the member who got extremely angry and was yelling saying he will meet him in the parking lot etc etc etc.. my husband got heated too obviously and told his boss (in corp) about it because A) he made a member extremely uncomfortable and B) he made staff (himself) super uncomfortable too since now this guy was making threats…

He was told to “notate the members account and if another incident happens then his membership will get revoked”. My husband was pissed but corporate cares about PR and all that.. and the member hasn’t had a previously recorded incident. My husband even said if the member that was harassed was female, the situation would have been different but the corp person (female at that) downplayed it and said they would act the same.

Not to diminish the reaction your gym gave (forgetting to call is just BAD management - they should have updated you) but I am not sure if anything else can be done. I’m so sorry you had to go through that.

My point is that corp sucks a lot of the time, I know the situation is different than filming but Corp just always freaking sucks
@erogrers01 Hot tub is not, saunas are in locker room and split by gender.

It was just smthn I was gonna do after the hot tub before I knew I was gonna get absolutely violated!