V-sit hold 1 minute press to handstand

@unsu What you are doing is very difficult and is for most people near impossible to master. Lockpicking is the type of skill which is also really damn hard to master. But, because you mastered the V sit, the poster above is joking that you might be possible to master lockpicking aswell.

And lockpicking is really fucking anoying in the elder scrolls games
What you are doing is very difficult and is for most people near impossible to master. Lockpicking is the type of skill which is also really damn hard to master. But, because you mastered the V sit, the poster above is joking that you might be possible to master lockpicking aswell.
And lockpicking is really fucking anoying in the elder scrolls games

aaaaaaaahh, Is that I no understand english very well ahahaha, thanks for explain!
@dawn16 yes I'm registered in this forum and I posted it... but I think that I have do post in other websites for know more opinions.
@unsu Cool. Question: You say you train what you feel like on the day. How many times a week do you usually end up training planche or manna?
@dawn16 I have problem in my wrist and no can train some times manna (I USE BAND in wrists), the manna and planche is 2x in week.
@unsu I looked at some of the other videos on the channel.

This is what we need to show people who are convinced their arms are too short to do an L-sit. This dude could do an L-sit even if he were missing his entire forearm!
@unsu Some days I see shit on here that makes me feel like a bad ass.

Some days I see shti that makes me feel like a complete POS.

Today is a POS day.

That was very impressive.
@unsu músculo tríceps, músculos abdominais, os músculos da perna during the V-sit. bem como os músculos do ombro durante a transição para Handstand Press. disculpe pelo mau português.