Was it dangerous to bail out of my squat with my hair like this? (See image)


New member
I was squattin' some some beefy weights today in a small HIIT/Weightlifting class today. Well I had to bail on a back squat. No biggie, I've bailed a lot, but never at this particular gym. No one was behind me. I gave a verbal warning. It was loud and of course everyone had to stop what they were doing to pay attention to me. I'm good friends with everyone at this gym. They all immediately said, "Oh good bail!" And it was all good and groovy.

But later one of the guys came up, gave me a good warning that I was going to catch my hair in the bar. He touched my neck to make an emphasis. Said, how I should be more careful. I don't think he knows I had to train and practice at another gym how to bail and it wasn't my first time having to do that. And now the slightly embarrassing moment I could have moved passed from (I hate having the attention on me) turned into a rage inducing suck fest. (I've seen the same tiktoks he probably has, where the long hair drags someone to the ground as they bail on a lift.)

My hair is short, barely touching my shoulders and doesn't really stay in a medium-high pony. (I feel like a low pony is more of a hazard) At the start of the workout all my hair was in the ponytail, but by the time this lift started some of it had fallen out around my neck. (See picture) (Note, I was not wearing a hoodie when lifting. I threw it on right after.)

So for future squats, am I unsafe with this level of hair loose? Am I in danger of having it snag? Was he right, or can I fume at his un-needed advice in private.

@johnmarsten One thing that's helpful for me (as I get soo down in the dumps when someone draws attention to me in public, like rage shitting on myself) is to try and assume positive intent. That DOESN'T mean they're correct, but maybe they were looking to keep someone in your shared community safe (i.e. you).

He shouldn't have touched you, that wasn't okay. He's not necessarily a creep, but you'd know the vibe. There's a big difference between "concerned gym bro looking out for someone" and "just looking for a chance to touch your sweaty ponytail" ew.

Looking at the rest of the situation, it may have just been out of genuine concern. He saw others being supportive, but took the time to follow up later (when you weren't the center of attention) to privately mention that it could be unsafe given the closeness to your hair.

I'd take it into consideration, but not take it too seriously given you have practiced and you feel confident in the technique.
@johnmarsten His comment was unnecessary and he definitely had no right to touch you. However, he's likely seen videos of women getting their hair stuck as they bail from squats and confused the hairstyle. I wouldn't bother getting angry about it, his comment probably came from a good place even though it didn't come out like that.
@ashvell Am I crazy or does it look like her neck snaps back before the bar actually catches her hair? I feel like so many of these clips are exaggerated.

My hair is almost down to my butt so it usually doesn't get in the way, but I have felt a little pull on my shorter strands - never enough to pull my whole neck back, though.
@johnmarsten It’s mostly bullshit. You might feel a snag here and there over the years.

Dude wanted an excuse to touch you that he could defend when you yelled keep your fucking hands to yourself, stranger.

All these dudes need to do is motion and ask if they can show you exactly where the bar and hair connect. Which they won’t ask, and cannot show because it’s not that likely with your hair length.

I’m a massage therapist and I ask permission to touch the people paying me to touch them for therapy.
@johnmarsten guy just wanted to mansplain. your hair wouldn't have caught. maybe a few baby hairs but i doubt it, it'd need to be way longer/thicker yo catch around the bar with gravity pulling weight down

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