Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

@dawn16 The one that you can adhere to long term. So long as you're training each body part more than 1x/week and preferably not training major muscle groups on back to back days the split doesn't really matter. The training split is just a way to group volume logically but it ultimately comes down to preference and your schedule. Do you want to be in the gym 3,4,5, or 6 days a week?

The more important factor is what progression scheme are you implementing to keep you progressively overloading in a systematic manner? And are you progressively overloading your nutrition as well?
@commando95 I prefer a 6 day/week split, but I’ve seen some competitors follow a 10 day rotation. As far as progression schemes, I’m still unsure what is most effective-increasing reps, sets, or weight?? Nutrition is in check for sure.
@dawn16 At the moment sets is very popular, literature shows that increasing reps before weight is better.

I would recommend you to auto regulate your training based on sets, work rep ranges that allow you to go 2 reps close to failure comfortably.
@paparazi257 Is there a point to working out with low testosterone? I'm 17 with bitch ass levels(200ng/dl), and I'm wondering if it's inhibiting from making gains. I've been consistently working out 6 days week(10-12 hours) with Nsuns, eating alot(3300-4000 calories daily), and getting a bunch of sleep(atleast 9 hours), yet I'm losing weight(muscle mass) and getting weaker. I'm even feeling more chubby, even though my mass is dropping. What should I do? Up the calories? Drop the volume? Quit giving a shit until my test levels get back to normal?
@frankie8297 Did you ever take prohormones or any 'supplement' a friend had you try? Even just once? I often see teens doing stupid things like buying prohormones on Amazon and crashing their hormones.
@niecey85 Here's a sneak peek of /r/powerlifting using the top posts of the year!

#1: Lifter with Cerebral Palsy. This is what powerlifting is about | 85 comments

#2: A true power lifter | 119 comments

#3: USAPL Bans All Transgender Athletes | 337 comments

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@paparazi257 15lb difference in a shirt. At my highest I looked huge and bulky but now deep in my cut I just seem to be getting small and I’m not sure if it was just fat making my muscles look huge or I’ve been actually losing muscle. I’ve been getting around 150g of protein a day and lifting 4- 5 days a week doing 5/3/1. I’ve been on this cut for awhile also it’s been very slow could that be play in a part of losing mass also?
@humblechad A lot of trainees think they're losing muscle when they cut. In many cases it's just a matter of actually being smaller because of less bodyfat.

If you're not losing strength throughout your cut than you're probably not losing much muscle. If you're work capacity goes down that's pretty normal during a cut as well. Just don't want to lose your strength.

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