Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

@maayaa That's great. For your case I think the best would be to use an upper/lower program like PHUL (use the higher set numbers), the only difference is it will take you a little over a week to finish the training week, but that's not a big deal at all. For clarification I'm saying to do it like this:
  • Week 1: Upper - Lower - Upper.
  • Week 2: Lower (end of week 1 of the program) - Upper (start of week 2) - Lower.
  • Week 3: Upper - Lower (end of week 2) - Upper (start of week 3).
So on and so forth. Also read this to know how to progress.

For nutrition, monitor your body weight (compare average weekly weights, not individual days) and you'll know if you have to eat more or less, if you're gaining or losing (depending on your goal) around 0.5% of your body weight per week you're on the right track. Finally, just eat as much protein (from food) as you can on every meal.
@snowbird27 I think it's just posture and lighting. You can see it better at your elbows, but your right arm seems to be more internally rotated than your left arm, that's it. This is why posing matters lol.

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