Weekly Question Thread - Week of 7/1/2019

@paparazi257 I'm about to start Jeff Nippards bench spec programme and just wanted to get opinions on the benching frequency. Basically the programme has 2 lower body days and 3 upper. Usually I have done my upper lower programmes like the following:

Upper 1 (Tuesday)
Lower 1 (Wednesday)
Upper 2 (Thursday)
Rest (Friday)
Lower 2 (Saturday)
Upper 3 (Sunday)
Rest (Monday)

I'm currently on a 400 caloric deficit and I am worried that benching Tuesday and then again on Thursday and then again on the Sunday and then again on Tuesday ect would be too much? Would be great to hear some thoughts. The reason for doing the bench programme is because it's my weakest point and want to do my best to maintain this on my cut.

@niecey85 Why not? Everytime I have cut, I've struggled to mainitain my bench max completely so I don't see the problem with doing an upper lower split with more of a focus on bench press in order to combat this? Unless your saying the bench frequency is too much for a cut
@psyche69 This is the standard recommendation for training during a cut: same as regular hipertrophy, or slightly less volume. This is not a controversial topic, it's basic stuff.

The main reasons behind it are a) you can't recover as well during a cut, so that's the best you can accomplish, and just in case this is not just about losing performance, enhancing muscle protein breakdown by doing a ton of work goes directly against muscle retention because during a cut you can't produce enough muscle protein synthesis to balance it out, you'll lose more muscle this way, not rataining it more; and b) you can't build the same if any muscle mass, so it's pretty much a waste of effort, you should focus on maintaining your muscle mass, finish your cut as soon as you can with minimal losses and then starting a productive bulk where you focus on building muscle.

If the correct way of training during a cut is regular hypertrophy or with less volume than normal, you can understand how a specialization block, where you do more volume and frequency than even during a regular massing phase, it's the absolute opposite. Those blocks demand the highest degree of recovery capabilities out of any other type of training, and you want to do it during the circumstance where you have the lowest recovery capabilities out of any other training phase.

Regardless, if you purchased the program from Jeff Nippard, since he's aware of the science, I'm sure he should have included instructions or a FAQ that tells you when it is and isn't a good time to do this program, and if not, being a client I'm sure you have a way of communicating with him directly to answer this question.
@psyche69 Studies say hitting the target muscle well twice per week is clearly better that once but it is unclear if 3x is better again. They also say that resting 2 days between is better than 1 and most experts say that 2 days rest is fine. I train chest 2-3x per week same with quads, no problem.

Edit: I also follow Jeff (but not his programs) and he knows what he is talking about - evidence and science based as you probably know so I'd say his program is likely sound. Good luck.
@psyche69 Haven't seen Jeff's program, but I am definitely in the same boat with my chest being the weakest point. I usually do chest 2X a week, but will focus on a heavy bench day for one with the other being more dumbbell/cable focused. It's been working well for me to do it that way, so maybe structuring it as bench/d-bell&cable/bench would be good!
@dawn16 Thanks mate, I've trained chest 3 times a week in the past and in a similar format to your suggestion, it was just that I was worried benching 3 times a week might be overkill on a cut. But yeah man check his programmes out I wouldn't say they are the ultimate programme but I always learn or pick up something I like from them and incorporate it within my own
@dawn16 Hi haven't seen jeff's program, but i am definitely in the same boat with my chest being the weakest point. i usually do chest 2x a week, but will focus on a heavy bench day for one with the other being more dumbbell/cable focused. it's been working well for me to do it that way, so maybe structuring it as bench/d-bell&cable/bench would be good!, I'm dad.