[WEEKLY THREAD] Feats of Thorsday! Share your achievements with us! Don't be shy!

@csf Mother of god! Awesome. I had a crap squat day this morning and barely got through my usually-easy warm up, so I ended up piddling with some assistant work. You've inspired me to give squatting another go tomorrow.
@tomb5 I have off days all the time. Three weeks ago I wanted to get a double at this weight and managed a really slow single. Some days 80% feels like 110%!!! One bad day isn't a big deal, stay on schedule and you'll be fine :) I feel inspired by strong women everyday so it's nice to be a source! Thank you!
@getupjohnnyboy Finally got above bodyweight squat, which I've been working toward for AGES, since my legs were incredibly weak before lifting because of extremely low bodyweight(110 lbs for 4 reps, at 107 lbs bodyweight! not much but a big deal for me).
Also finally committing myself to starting leangains which I've played around with doing for a while!
@getupjohnnyboy I'm in the middle of Week 5 of Insanity and on top of that, I made the decision mid-way through Week 3 to go barefoot! I can't believe I made it this far!

Obligatory: Week 6 sounds super scary and I'm a bit worried about doing the Fit Test plus Max Interval Circuit the same day!
@getupjohnnyboy The bf and I have been struggling to get "back in the game" after two months of stress-eating and overall poor health due to a horrible cross-country move. We started off walking at 2.5mph, but now we have upgraded to a jog at 4mph. It's a small victory to some of the amazing things I see on here, but the improvement, and desire to keep going, feels really fantastic :)
@getupjohnnyboy When I joined this sub, I thought I had no interest in lifting - I've always been a runner, nothing else.

I started lifting a month ago and now I love it; I really look forward to my gym days.

When I started lifting, I said I would never count calories - it seemed like way too much work, and I figured that trying to "eat healthy" would be enough.

Yesterday I calculated my TDEE and started tracking calories. I was amazed to find how many calories are in something like a burrito that I previously would've eaten without a second thought. And I finished the day just under my calorie goal!

This sub has been really interesting and really helpful for my overall fitness. Not sure whether you thank or blame you ladies for the above ;)
@getupjohnnyboy I successfully cut out soda again for the first time since college! (two years ago). I didn't drink it in college, but moving back home threw me because my mom drinks a lot of Diet Pepsi and it is ALWAYS in the house. Did some reading on aspartame and it made me cringe so I decided to cut out soda again.

It's been 2.5 weeks, no hiccups!
@getupjohnnyboy I recorded a 9:19 mile the other day, my fastest split yet in my usual 2-3 mile run. And I recently got the best compliment ever from an attorney I met at work. He said ,"so you run? You look like a runner." I about died. I'm currently at 144lbs, down from 215lbs at my highest. And no he wasn't hitting on me.
@getupjohnnyboy I ran 6 miles and didn't want to die!!! I have 4+ months until my first half marathon and I'm well on my way :)

Then for the two days after that my body was like "Please feed me anything and everything" so I was a little afraid to step on the scale...

Boom. Three pounds down. Watch out, miles. I am coming for u.
@getupjohnnyboy I did 5 reps of bodyweight (130 pounds) deadlifts finally!

My husband always underestimated how much he could squat, always going below 100 pounds. Well, I jumped on his back one day, and he went to see if he could squat me. Yep. Got him to realize he's much stronger than he thought! He rarely lifts by the way.
@getupjohnnyboy i hit 12 chinups in a set this week (my goal is 20)! :D i also benched for the first time in about two months after breaking a couple ribs, and had no pain! i lost about 10# off my bench but am hoping to recoup that quickly.
@dawn16 ha! well, i'm not benching that much anyway (my 1RM is about 125 right now, at about 140 BW, and I went from 5 reps of 115 to 5 reps of 105), and I worked around the injury I had (broken ribs) by doing other upper body stuff -- mainly, a METRIC SHITLOAD of chinups, pullups, and rows. i even had my boyfriend install a pullup bar over my bathroom door so i could do them all the time.

i'd imagine with more weight on the bar or less substitutions, i'd have lost more.

also, never test your bench max with broken ribs. it was diagnosed the next week, but GOOD GOD.