Weight lifting at home vs the gym?


New member
I work mostly from home, and I’ve been so busy the last few months that peeling away to drive to and from the gym almost seems like time I don’t have. Weight lifting has done so much for my body that other strength training just hasn’t, and I really don’t want to stop.

I was thinking of getting a walking pad and maybe a weight set like this one ( https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M3LQ4Z...pin_lstpd_QV2SWPHS0N87QQRSGX2Q&language=en_US ).

Would I be missing out by not having access to other machinery? I’ve got a small apartment, so I’m not looking to buy much more than this if I go the at home route.
@ron3865 I have a small home gym set up and I love it. I have a walking pad, cheap squat rack ($50 off fb marketplace), a bench (free off fb marketplace), a bar ($77 off Amazon), and some dumbbells. I’ve just added to it as needed! It’s a huge investment to buy everything up front, but I’ve been able to buy smaller weights/stuff on sale to add to my lifts and find some secondhand gear on Fb marketplace. I say go for it. I bought the initial set up about 1.5 years ago, it’s also worked well for my partner who is 6’2” and lifts significantly more than me! There are a lot of options now and if you can be creative then you shouldn’t feel like you’re majorly missing out.
@walnut237 This exactly! I only weight train at home or in my garden. Have a variety of dumbbells, kettlebells, weight bags and barbells, a bench, a squat rack and a TRX. There are so many exercises you can do that it never gets boring and you can easily progress your weights/reps/sets etc when needed.
@ron3865 I workout with a set of 6 dumbbells (5kg, 10kg and 12kg) and 3 glute bands while following Caroline Girvans' YouTube workouts and can honestly say I've never seen changes in my body so quickly. Effective workouts don't necessarily have to involve tonnes of equipment!
@ron3865 I built a garage gym! It has a dumbell set, barbell set, squat bar, bench, treadmill, stationary bike, pull up and dip bar. I used to go to the gym on base, but it's so much more convenient to workout at home. Plus I get to pose naked in my mirror to check out my pump without getting weird looks 😅