What’re some Websites that promote fitness for more casual folks like me?


New member
What’re some websites/personalities that talk about health and fitness for average folks with limited time/income to dedicate?

I find that so much fitness discourse ok the internet revolves around some pretty toxic attitudes and pursuit of body images that are unrealistic for most people

(the ‘getting ripped in 30 days’ ‘bulging biceps’ type of mentality that permeates YouTube for example. I don’t really need to see some ripped dude with a six pack telling me how I can look like him, as I don’t even really want to. I’m not in bad shape, I do some lifting/running but I’m an average slightly chubby 30something dude with a job and family, I have no desire to give up the occasional beer or piece of cake, and I have neither the time nor the desire to dedicate hours upon hours every week to tracking calories, protein intake and navel-gazing about gains (but hey good on ya if that’s what u want)

I enjoy fitness but it’s not the most important thing in my life, and looking for a discourse that is a little more approachable for people like me. Even r/fitness is a great resource for information, but not that approachable for more casual fitness oriented folks, though this sub is better.

The two resources that I’ve found that do approach fitness with this in mind are
  • The Vitals section on Lifehacker.com
  • Ask A Swole Woman on Vice
@prececetun1976 primarily to not die. If I put on any muscle mass that's a nice plus.

But the main point of my post was websites/personalities who have a more approachable discourse for more 'average' folks like me that work full-time, have kids/families/other hobbies, and acknowledges that most people will never have a bulging a sixpack or whatever
@imjustme123 It’s difficult for two pretty blunt reasons 1) it’s about what sells isn’t it - getting extreme results sells magazines and gets articles clicks for fitness organisations, so that’s what they’re focused on, being average doesn’t, so there will be limited stuff out there for you 2) your goal is too vague to give you a good answer isn’t it - not to die and add muscle - just eat what you like and lift weights a bit?

I’d say subscribe to men’s health or something - it will give you a few good tips and focus on lifestyle, but unlikely to push you into awesome shape
@prececetun1976 Yeah I mean that’s fair and I appreciate the candid answer. I get what you are saying about what sells, It does suck that say most YouTubers look like or promote a body type that is only attainable for a select few with the right genetic disposition, the time and mind space to dedicate to protein intake/counting calories, the money for trainers and/or nutritionists etc.

it’s not especially realistic for most people, and I think that may be a barrier to fitness for some is the lack of realistic discourse meant for more ‘average’ people

I imagine there may be a lot of people like myself lurking on these forums. I posted a couple above that do approach fitness from this more approachable point of view and I just wanted to start a discussion about any others people might have
@imjustme123 For what it’s worth - I think you need to refocus your goal. It might not be to get sub 10% body fat and reveal 8 abs, but I don’t know, you might want to be able to bench your body weight, or do more than x chin ups, or improve your posture or add size to your arms - you’ll probably end up feeling less lost.

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