What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

@lucyflor Sweat like it is my own personal rain storm. Wear gloves to do upper body because I will sweat so much my hands are water logged and I can’t hold the weights.

Cardio and lifting. I don’t like anything but water while I’m at the gym. I do drink a ton of water though. I have thought about adding Skratch labs clear hydration, but haven’t bought it yet.
@kmman I start off with preworkout but then once I finish drinking that I switch over to just water. I used to drink BCAAs out of a gallon jug like a bro a few years back 😂 But now I just refill my shaker or I have a 32oz hydro jug knockoff. Lol
@kmman Squash/juice (the full sugar kind) and a pinch of table salt. Sometimes I have fancy electrolyte salt powder but usually not.
@kmman I recently upped my intensity of my workouts to where I’m sweating way more so I’ve switched to adding electrolytes at the gym. I’m going through BPNs mix right now. Seems to be doing the trick!
@kmman Water. If I’m going to be working out intensely for over an hour or outside in heat, I’ll use coconut water, karbolyn powder, and maybe some salt.
@kmman Waterdrop. Diverse tastes. No calories, contains some vitamins and some contain caffein. (Google it, Maybe you noticed Djokovic has it on his shirt ;). ).
@kmman Great question.

I have these soluble isotonic tablets.

Over here a bottle of Gatorade is €3.5 and these tablets end up for €0.50 and have fizzy bubbles :)
@kmman BCAA’s as even if it’s a placebo it feels like it helps (I’ve noticed a slight difference when I DON’T have them) and if it’s a real intensive workout about half a scoop of carb powder