What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?


New member
Aside from the CrossFit.com programming, what program is there that people would define as ‘old school’ or ‘pure’ CrossFit programming?
Our head coach has a powerlifting background and tends to program progressions for specific days (I.e. snatches on Tuesday, bench press Fridays) without consideration for how it interferes with the other days. Last week had wall walks and pull-ups Monday, snatches Tuesday, cleans Wednesday, kb c&j Thursday, thrusters Friday. We have numerous members with shoulder and back pain right now.
I’m pretty new to programming, so I’m wondering what’s a good example of a purist CrossFit program that takes movement patterns into consideration?

@halleluyah577 For time:
50 pull-ups
400-meter run
95-lb. thruster, 21 reps
800-meter run
95-lb. thruster, 21 reps
400-meter run
50 pull-ups

This is what was programmed for Tuesday 10 years ago. And this is with the 4th week of the open coming up on Friday. No tapering, no light week. Pure gas.
@tammy1ed2 I’m not sure if you’re trying to be snarky-but removing the time domain helps remove ego-and there are A LOT of people in the CF arena that need help with that. And it’s for time, or not. Still your choice.
@onedayworthy Not snarky at all! Just quoting Pat on why he’d say he isn’t traditional CrossFit. I’ve been doing LP since June of last year and I will sing its praises all day long, he does an incredible job programming