What’s the shortest time span you’ve made a progression from a beginner move an to intermediate or advanced move?


New member
I realise this is a very open question because some exercises are harder than eachother and people are coming from different experience levels. But if enough people comment it should give enough variety in the answers.

For example, there are like 7 progressions to a planche I think. Were you ever surprised at how fast you could advance from step 2 to step 5 for example? How long did it take?

I’m asking because I’m a beginner in body weight training and I want to make a video doing some moves in my basement for my current module at art school. I can’t do many exercises that visually look that cool yet apart from L-sit chin ups and L-Sit to dip on parallel bars.

I have about 3 or 4 weeks before I need to shoot this video. In the run up to that I don’t really have any other commitments so I can just train really hard in my basement.

If other people tell me their experience levels and progressions they’ve made, then maybe I can use that to plan what to focus on, what is achievable for me.
@shelbycmr Not sure if this quite fits, but I went from not being able to pull up on one arm at all to one arm pull up in a a month and a half.

I just worked negatives and assisted one arms where I grabbed my pulling arm with my other hand a few times a week during quarantine.

My max pullups when I started trying this was probably in the 20s.
@raleigh I have the exact same experience. Took me a month and a half-two months, I could do a third of my BW for 5 reps of weighted pull ups prior but barely any flexion with one arm, and around 27 regular pull-ups. Did negatives and used a resistance band for assisted one arm strength work. I only worked out 2-3 times a week and lost 4-5 lbs to get it.
@morsepam619 I started to get elbow tendonitis from climbing before quarantine, but I haven't climbed much since then and it's gone away. Some advice I got was to make sure you do some pushing exercises and also add in wrist curls with a light weight to your routine to keep the different muscles in balance.

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