What’s your relationship with alcohol?

@liac Yeh where did all these nuns come from? Yes, sure drinking is bad for you. But it can also be fun and really, unless you're binge drinking, the couple of years it might shave off your life are probably worth it. I have started to drink less and less recently because I don't really want to. It's no longer that enjoyable for me and Im sorta into being very lucid these days. However, I don't really regret drinking in my early twenties. Luckily I guess I have no addictive tendencies towards alcohol.
@liac No I never get addicted to alcohol and I can’t physically drink much anyway, I have that thing that I can’t burp (idk the condition), which makes multiple fizzy drinks hard to consume anyway. I’d be happy to just drink once in my whole life anymore and then call it quits on drinking from then on out.
@cdlara381 A candy bar once a month will have almost no effect on your health, 10 candy bars a day will cause significant health problems.

Alcohol is like that only magnified. From a pure health standpoint yes, no alcohol is the healthiest. But is a beer once in a blue moon going to cause noticable health problems? Unless i see a peer reviewed study proving this i dont think so. But regular alcohol consumption will definitely impact you.

I drink once maybe every other month on average? Ill often go a few month without drinking then when is camping season ill be drinking once MAYBE twice a month.

But i also was straight edge as a teen and didnt drink till i was 21. Ive been able to foster a healthy relationship with alcohol, i dont drink alone or when im upset. And if i feel ive drank too much in a given span of time I'll avoid drinking for am extended period

Ultimately only you can be honest with yourself and make that decision
@cdlara381 As others have said, abstinence is best. I do, however, still enjoy a glass of wine or some beers probably once a month, maybe twice a month if something special is going on.

I think it's weird and possibly functional alcoholism when people drink every day, even if they say "it's just a few after work." Alcoholism does run in the family though so maybe I'm more sensitive to it.

Edit to say: do what's best for you. If you want some drinks on your birthday, have them! It's a special day.
@daniellerhea Yeah I drink very rarely nowadays, I think past few years it’s been 1-2 times a year and usually I would drink 5-7 servings of alcohol at a time. It’s usually to take the edge of and laugh more and sing and just take it chill. But I do however like the feeling of being healthy and not having a hangover more than being tipsy 😬🫤 haha it’s a struggle
@cdlara381 I don’t drink alcohol at all. xvx for life

Happy early birthday btw! If you ever want a fun mocktail I really enjoy Tost brand non alcoholic drinks for fun occasions.
@cdlara381 I used to love alcohol. But now that my diet is more on point, I find that it not only tastes bad, it also brings me down. And makes me feel really lousy the next day, even if I only have a little. So no thanks, I’ll pass.
@cdlara381 Sober. Best decision I’ve ever made.

My friendships changed (they no longer revolve around alcohol). I got into hobbies I thought I didn’t have time for, and I’m NEVER hung over. Best part. lol.
@cdlara381 30, M, and only drinking on special occasions. Friends birthdays, weddings etc.

I wouldn't buy it for myself these days, don't have any at the house, and don't go out very often to a bar. I started consuming more weed during the lockdowns (edibles, vegan) and have now found that I don't like the taste nor the effects of alcohol enough for it to be worth spending money on any more.

My health and wallet have thanked me, and having not imposed any actual restriction about it has made me less excited to break it anyway. It's just sort of 'there' now and I still have the option, but my relationship with it is healthier than when I was drinking non stop as a teen and in my early 20s. Just kind of got over it really.