What’s your relationship with alcohol?

@chefdoodle Haha well that’s good that some people appreciate my idea of a holiday 😂 I miss meditating while hearing the waves crash, I did that every morning while I was in Bali a few years ago ☺️
@cdlara381 Oh also since it will be autumn make mulled cider without alcohol. Or you could have a super low alcoholic drink like kvass or non-alcoholic beer (some have low amounts of alcohol). Or Mexican hot chocolate!
@chefdoodle Oh I would never stop drinking mead or home brewed beer (they’re supposed to be non alcoholic but because of the fermentation process they will have a low amount) they’re my childhood favourites, yes I had these as a kid because they have hardly any alcohol, u can’t really get drunk on them 😜
@cdlara381 That’s how I started. Made some rules around when to drink like not after work to wind down, not after a difficult day, not if I have an intensive exercise before or after, etc. At some point I got so used to not drinking that it was easy to say no altogether.

It’s also easier this way in the communication towards other people. If they know you don’t drink at all they won’t try to make you drink against your will. If they do even after saying you don’t want to they’re just shitty friends or they have an alcohol problem they don’t want to face.

It also saves you from having to check which alcoholic drinks are vegan or not which can be a real pain!
@caroline100 Yeah I’ll probably not tell my friends that I won’t be drinking so I don’t make a big deal out of it, I’ll just drink alcohol free bevvies and pretend that I’m drinking (not pretending I’m drunk tho 😂)
@cdlara381 It’s skill that needs to be developed. If you develop a habit of reaching for a drink to relax, you train your brain to think you need the drink to relax. Discomfort won’t kill you, and you’ll need to be uncomfortable for awhile while you sort out how to engage without booze.

No one really wants to hear that, but after years of therapy addressing some pretty crippling anxiety (among other things), I’m another data point that it’s possible.

To be fair, I think many sober people find being around really drunk people a bit jarring. So it results in changing your social life a bit. For example, I started going home early on nights out once people started getting too drunk to have a real conversation. I used to get FOMO about that, but after seeing how my life improved, I started to care less.
@cdlara381 I just sip my NA drink. There’s really no pressure outside of your mind to drink. I’ve found it’s more fun to be sober at those types of functions— I tend to have more wit and a better memory.
@cdlara381 It took me a while to become comfortable with this, but now that I have I find it pretty easy. Honestly I think it just takes practice and putting yourself in the situation. Also, leaving before everyone gets too wasted. But if it becomes clear that you’re constantly around people who are there FOR the alcohol, then it can be time to find some people with different values, and that’s ok. I’m still friends with my friends who center their social lives around drinking, I just don’t see them as much
@liuhuuu06 I would love to have friends with a similar mindset that I have.. my idea of fun is self improvement, working out and other healthy habits. I want friends to cook with and have fruit snacks and hikes and adventures. Idk it seems I never click with people like this or ever meet any… I’m also socially awkward so it’s probably a big hindrance
@cdlara381 It’s kept me from achieving many goals both career and health-wise. It’s the activity I reach for when things are really bad AND really good. While I definitely don’t drink as much as I used to, I’m still prone to one of these days from time to time. The key for me is not starting because once I do, I just want to keep going.

…it’s actually kinda tough to write this because I don’t think I’ve considered it all before.
@seekerofknowledge Hmm… well I wouldn’t even consider consuming if I saw any signs of addictive issues or other things. I don’t like the taste of alcohol at all, I just like being a bit tipsy I suppose to laugh more
@cdlara381 For a less physically harmful substance that can make you tipsy and giggly, cannabis in the form of edibles and tinctures is an option. Still can easily become an emotional and serotonin crutch though, if not outright psychologically harmful for some people.
@brotherinchristjesus Yeah weed fucked me up as a teen. It was great fun until the paranoia started, then with continued heavy use it built up to full-fledged psychosis. Many people seem to be able to use it responsibly though.
@jdpang I used it responsibly for years until I I didn't. So I make it my perogative to cancel out all the voices that say it's a totally chill miracle drug. Cos those are the ones that pull you into a horrible relationship with it that ruins it for you.

Weed is a few times a year thing and anyone advocating otherwise either is addicted AF or has chronic pain.
@cdlara381 Yeah good call - I’m mostly the same, or at least it started out that way. If it means anything I can usually go weeks or even months at a time without drinking but will also have particularly bad months depending on my social calendar - December for instance is usually dicey.

Maybe this is a timely post (thank you) because I was looking back at some physique progress shots earlier today from over the years and I’m sure it won’t surprise you that periods where I wasn’t drinking were easily my most impressive.