What are the best adjustable dumbbells for home use?


New member
I am looking for adjustable dumbbells to buy for myself. I work from home and want to stay active and workout from home as well. Would love to have suggestions which dumbbells to buy.

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I managed to buy Bowflex Selectech 552. using these dumbbells are really helping me a lot. Thanks to all of u guys.
@mel101 I have the Bowflex and they're fine, but I recently checked out my friends Nüobells and I really like those. Also, I just saw the Rep x Pépin adjustables were released and those look great as well.

Depending on what you're using your DBs for, you may find the Bowflex run out of weight pretty fast. 52.5 isn't much for legs, chest, rows, etc. I wish I had just gone with heavier adjustable DBs from the start.