What are you current max lifts by body weight?

@jpaulhansen 6’0”, male, 213 pounds

Deadlift: 420 pounds

Squat: 365 pounds

Bench: 225 (not entirely sure about this one as I haven’t tested it in a loooong time)

Strict press: 155, push press: 195, split jerk: 205
@jpaulhansen S/B/D 460/300 paused 315 TNG/525 hook 550 strap, BW around 185. Haven't trained press other than as an accessory in a while, but a few years back I hit 190 at 190 to get a bodyweight press. Lifetime goal is 1400 (~495/320/585) at around the same bodyweight, after that I'll still train but won't worry about new PRs.
@jpaulhansen 6', lifting for about a year now, bw: 265 lb, M. I do not push myself in the gym since I'm somewhat frail and injury prone, probably due to years of bad diet and bad posture. I've consulted a trainer and am progressing slowly.

These are my 1 rep max:

Squat: 100lbs, 38% BW
Deadlift: 85 lbs, 31% BW
Bench: 95 lb, 37% BW
OHP: 55 lb, 21% BW
Bent over row: 100lb, 38% BW

A lesson I learned is that unless I apply progressive overload, I don't gain ANYTHING, despite lifting less than a woman half my weight is capable of lifting.
@jpaulhansen 86.5kg as of this morning.

Current bests from the last cycle of testing: 190kg squat, 230kg deadlift, 142.5kg bench, 65kgx10 ohp.

Current goals: fill out 93s. Get at least 220kg squat, 270kg deadlift, 160kg bench, and be able to do 80kgx10 on ohp.

Long term goala: 240-250kg squat, 280-290kg deadlift, 180kg bench.
@jpaulhansen Haven't 1RM tested in a while so I'll put the calculated 1RM in parenthesis:
  • 235x5 bench (265)
  • 285x7 Squat (341)
  • 215x5 Front Squat (242)
  • 405x2 Deadlift (416)
  • 245x10 Stiff leg dead lift (327)
  • 405x10 Hip Thrust (540)
195lb body weight, all weights in lbs. Pretty obviously posterior chain dominant.
@jpaulhansen 5’ 7, 126lbs. Maxes are guesstimates since I won’t test them again for about another month.

Squat: 210
Bench: 110
Deadlift: 250

My ultimate dream is 1/2/3 plates for bench, squat, deadlift, but I am definitely a long way off on that! So for now my goal is just to use my second attempts from my first meet as my openers for my upcoming meet
@jpaulhansen I've been training alone for 3 years in my garage. Former addict. Lifetime skinny man.

167lbs BW 6' 1" 35 years old.

Bench 190

Squat 205

Deadlift 280

OHP 110, havnt really tried a max yet

Barbell rows, same but biggest set is about 110 x 12-15
@dawn16 Good stuff, man!

I always thing strength standards are a bit weird. For instance, body weight only tells you so much. Hight, limb proportions, etc also have a big effect.

Keep lifting and being strong 💪🏼
@jpaulhansen 37yo 88kg 176 cm, many prior health conditions, about 1 year of weight training so far.

Bench ( 75kg x 8reps) aiming for 100kg same reps

Don't deadlift yet but want to start soon

My shoulders suck, over head press is 25kg x 10

I don't barbell squat either, but do atg squats with a 25kg kettlebell for sets of 10-12

My proudest achievement so far is being able to do body weight dips for sets of 8.

What's this app for calculating approx 1rm?