What do y’all think of speakeasy gyms?

@dawn16 "You can’t legislate that out of existence."
It doesn't take legislation, most places just had leaders that told their people, "let's all do the right thing for a month or two" and they did it for the most part, and it worked.

"Let’s not call people selfish for coming together and supporting each other during a tough time."

huh? I'm calling them selfish for not being able to personally sacrifice and stay home for a month or two for the greater good. Pretty text-box example of the word selfish.
@lyndalu112 Actually, me and most everyone that I know did take the lockdown seriously for a month or two.

It was only after that timeframe we started looking around and realizing that this virus isn’t going away and it’s time to start moving forward in life instead of hiding from a world full of various risks of which Covid-19 is one.
@dawn16 Oh thanks for your 1-2 month sacrifice..... you are the epitome of a top comment I saw elsewhere today:

“People who have never truly been oppressed are being inconvenienced for the first time in their lives and don’t understand what it means to sacrifice for the greater good.”

I truly hope no one in your direct circle or family becomes seriously exposed to COVID because then you’d be forced to see exactly how real of a “various threat” it is.
@nojnoj “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.“

-CS Lewis
@nojnoj The governor told me that it was illegal to visit my 1 year old niece who is 20 lbs of pure joy and love. If that’s not cruel and oppressive then I don’t know what is.
@dawn16 good for you. Then it's the other 50% of people who didn't take things seriously that caused the virus to not die out. Hence, I blame the poor leadership for not convincing them, and those 50% (or whatever %, different areas were vastly different of course) of people for being selfish.
@stthomaschristian If we are being honest, CrossFit is a luxury item. There is nothing essential about it. You can literally get fitness anywhere, anytime, using basic items or no items at all. Personally, I would feel sketchy about being a member somewhere that is cutting corners or working to circumvent local regulations. In addition, how are they cleaning and sanitizing during these times? It would be a "no" for me.
@stthomaschristian Newsome shut "gyms" down again like 2 weeks ago here in California but all the Crossfit gyms in my area, including my former gym, never closed back down again. Taking the lead from Bradley Martyn I guess. Also, I suspect this round of mandatory shutdowns are not well enforced in CA.
@stthomaschristian none of the ones in my town were caught. I’m good friends with the owner of my box and I’m studying for my CrossFit L1 so when they were doing zoom workouts he let me come in and be involved with the classes so I could work out at the box, and a cop arrived and tried to shut us down but we were running a live class and he just said that since there are only “employees” in the building, we weren’t going anywhere

edit: there are about 6 crossfit boxes in my city and probably only 2 were completely closed off