What made your arm grow the most?

@joaa Ive starting to hear this a lot. Makes a lot of sense. Thinking about trying a upper, lower, push + bis, lower, pull + tris. Where on the push + bis one set push, one set bis. And the same for back + tris. Unlike biceps and back, bicep sets wont affect presses, and tris work wont affect back. It sounds really great, gonma give it a try. Both get hit fresh, higher frequency (3 times per week) and they dont effect each other negativly. Plus you get longer rest times for both muscles between sets which is better ive heard a lot

And a standard upper body day
@setst777 If you’re doing the volume you need and not growing, it’s probably the nutrition that needs attention. Do you track your protein intake? Are you getting around 200 grams per day? Are you eating a calories surplus as evidenced by your scale weight going up slowly? You probably want to be “yes” on each of those if you want to grow muscle.
@cfh2k5 I trained for years without taking enough protein, and the minute I started taking proper protein I was surprised how much more muscular I got
@setst777 I follow the split/frequency of Athlean-X Ultimate Arms, but changed a few things:
  • Nix the forearm workout immediately after Arm Day. It's of little value on the best weeks, and on the worst weeks, contains movements that can interfere with arm recovery.
  • Standardize the arm workouts. Circus trick training where you introduce new movements and rep schemes every week does not give your muscles a consistent stimulus to adapt to. Each week, the arm workout I do is 3 supersets of each combo: Chinups/dips, Incline curls/skull crushers, EZ Bar curls/close-grip bench, and dumbbell hammer curls + lateral raises. 8-12 rep range on everything, increase proximity to failure as mesocycle advances
  • On Upper Pull day, switch out landmine rows for incline curls, anddual-handle pulldowns for hammer curls.
  • On Upper Push day, switch out reverse iron cross for overhead rope extensions, and do flat bench instead of incline bench.
  • On Both the pull/push days, ditch the "Reaxion set" for a Giant Set of EZ Bar curls and skull crushers, respectively.
@setst777 Isolation work.

When I say that I mean exercises like the following...

Single Arm Tricep Pulls.

Cable Curls. (I genuinely don't do any other Bicep Curl other than either a Hammer Curl or EZ Bar Curl. Barbell Curls & Dumbbell Curls, for me, are garbage. I get the best MMC that I've ever had for Biceps with Cable Curls. The constant tension is nauseating. You don't get that with any other Curl).

Overhead Tricep Extensions.

French Press.

Not only did my arms grow the most without hoofing around heavy Dumbbells and Barbells, they're also much healthier too.
@setst777 There's this old Swedish bodybuilder, Ehrling Wahlgren, who swore by doing a high volume split with arms three days per week and full body three days per week. It was like 3 supersets (so 6 exercises) for triceps, 3 supersets for biceps and a couple for forearms, end with shoulders. Could be worth to try for 6 weeks or so if you're desperate
@canyor Damn thats a lot of volume to fit in on three days plus the rest of the body, idk if i have what it takes tbh to perform like 30 sets for arms and delts then train chest back and legs after

Maybe if i atleast move the leg work to their own day
@setst777 Lengthened partials

Specifically I like to do them with cable machine so mostly the following:

Biceps: behind back cable curls, standing cable curls with straight bar, machine preacher curls, cable hammer curls with rope or reverse cable curls with D handle

Triceps: overhead cable extensions, cable pushdowns, single arm cross body extensions, dip machine

Try this, on your next arm workout (i suggest separate arm days) pick 2-3 of each of the above that you prefer and only do the first 30 to 50% of the movement, slow eccentric, focus on feeling the muscle stretch and contract and do not let your muscle rest at the bottom, try to keep constant tension and when you start failing just do mini reps and finally an isometric hold to failure and you will feel an unreal burn/pump but more importantly you will see growth.
@setst777 Light weight with higher reps, probably 20-25 works best for biceps. Do lots of supersets and dropsets. For instance, you can combine bicep curls with hammer, or reverse curls with 21s. Also, do partial reps at the end to go beyond failure.
@setst777 Have a look at doing Saint Meadows' L Extensions:
those along something as old school as triceps kickbacks can make your tris grow ridiculously. Overhead extension cables, too. Worth a shot.