What made your arm grow the most?

@setst777 Sounds like you would benefit from adding more volume to arm work. BUT, it won't be effective unless you also remove volume from other areas like legs. If you're already working at maximum recoverable volume, adding more volume anywhere will only have negative effects. Growth happens during recovery, not training.

Exercise selection is another big factor. If the goal is growth, choose exercises that have the best stimulus to fatigue ratios. Compounds will cause much more overall fatigue than isolation exercises. Increasing volume by adding more isolation exercises or adding more sets to isolation exercises should cause more growth, to an extent, while keeping fatigue manageable and able to recover after each session.

Over some years of trial and error, I have found that an U/L split every other day is perfect for me. 48 hours rest between every workout and 96 hours rest between every upper or lower workout. Sessions can be 90 to 120 minutes if bulking, but I feel so much more rested and recovered and ready to go every session.

If you know you're training hard enough, maybe start looking at recovery more and adjusting your volumes so you can get the results you want. Happy lifting!
  • Doing Biceps on Push day and Triceps on Pull Day.
  • No redundancy (mid + lengthened for biceps, Long bias then medial/lateral bias for triceps)
  • Then like every muscle group, 2 sets to 0-1 RIR per exercise, 3 minute rests, 2 per workout for each.

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