What should I wear to the gym as a overweight man 5’9 270

I recently got a gym member ship but I don’t know what to wear when I go as I am really ashamed of how my body looks. Also do I need a pair of shoes specifically for the gym or will my normal shoes work fine.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Whatever is comfortable enough for you to get you in the door… shorts and baggy T shirt, sure…. Pants and tight t shirt, sure… short shorts and a sleeveless, sure.

If you haven’t been to the gym before you don’t know what’s comfortable for you based on the exercises you are going to do. Just wear whatever you want, I promise no matter your attire, everybody at the gym has seen someone wearing something crazier before.
@sadnlost This, and don’t mind what others think. You are there for yourself and not them. They don’t know you and you don’t know them enough that you should care about it. Whatever you do whatever you look like, there will always be someone out there judging and it happens to everyone so in that case go out there have some fun. But for what I regularly see what people on the bigger side wear are sweatpants and a hoodie, usually a zipup hoodie so it’s easy to take off when overheating. I see this guy regularly on the threadmill at night around 9pm every time I go and he’s wearing training shoes sweats and a zipup hoodie and midway always takes it off, not that im watching him it’s just that we happen to go at the same time everytime and have gotten that friendly head nod acquaintance. Don’t think about it too much and do you or else it will stop you from getting in there and doing the work.
@unitechrist Absolutely!! Something I always have to tell myself is that I'm here to work out, not look good. I've shown up in some ratty lookin outfits, and honestly, I just blast my music and use the embarrassment to fuel me even more. If you're working hard in the gym, nobody gaf about what you're wearing or what you look like. They'll respect you for the hard work you put in.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Shorts (or pants) and a t-shirt will do! Most people there are not in fancy athletic attire. The gym is where I showcase my collection of corporate event t-shirts from work, lol.

Your normal shoes are fine. I used to wear really nice running shoes but found that strength-training is more stable for me in something flat like Converse. Or I take my shoes off altogether and lift in my socks.

Don't overthink it, you'll find that you fit right in.
@sakura656 Outside of work I usually wear oversized t shirts and such because I am not proud of my body. I’m afraid if I wear that it will overheat me. Also converse are my normal everyday wearing shoe so I am glad to hear about that. I’m also thank full I’m starting my weight loss journey now because our colder months are coming so I will be able to cool off by going outside
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Oversized shirt and oversized basketball shorts are very normal gym attire.

Also, as long as you aren't wearing anything crazy (like a speedo) nobody is going to notice. Everyone there is to focus on themselves. I know we are flooded with influencer videos, but they are still in vast minority and I've never seen one in real life in a gym.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC The only thing that matters about the shoes is that they are clean. Working out with your outside shoes will make it really dirty really fast.

The clothes don't matter, but I would suggest something that lets you move easily, so t-shirt, sweatpants, that kind of stuff (the main reason you don't wear jeans).

Also, bring a towel to wipe down the equipment after you workout if you are a sweater.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Cut off oversized t-shirts can be a good option (just take a pair of scissors to the sleeves of a cheap tshirt) . Your pits/sides may be exposed a tiny bit but it’s not at all abnormal for gym attire and gives much better breathability. They keep good gyms very cool too so while you get hot working out no matter what, I wouldn’t worry about that too much. Start out with easier exercises and work your way up. Like walking on a treadmill or riding a bike. You don’t want to start at a pace that is so hot and exhausting that you feel discouraged to go back—slow and steady wins the race in a fitness journey. Also always bring a change of clothes, some people like to just get in and out, but my husband is a big guy and can’t stand not showering and changing out of his sweaty clothes after a work out.

As others said don’t worry too much about what you look like. You’re starting because you don’t feel comfortable with your body, but there’s an element of working out in a gym no matter what your size where you have to just say, “screw it, I’m doing this for me and I’m not going to worry about how it appears.” Good on you for deciding to do it for yourself! Keep asking questions as needed, it can be daunting but it’s very worth it.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Comfort. Today I saw a very overweight man on the treadmill at 2am and we were the only ones there. He saw me come in, we made eye contact, and he immediately looked sad and walked out not even 5 minutes after I came in.

Trust me, more people in the gym are ENCOURAGING you and would much rather see you try than for you to feel bad simply by their existence.
@hadasssah Man that breaks my heart.

The guy is doing his best to better himself and probably feels ashamed of his size so does it in the middle of the night. I would've probably made a joke like "Nice to meet a fellow nightowl"
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC i guess u could wear some oversized t-shirt and comfortable shorts/sweatpants. ur regular shoes will work fine, pick the most comfortable pair u have, clean them well and it's good to go. don't try to look better, and instead make sure ur fully comfortable. u don't want to feel like something is too tight or having clothes to get caught on the equipment. don't be ashamed, everyone has to start somewhere

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