What should I wear to the gym as a overweight man 5’9 270

@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Sweatpants and a hoodie.
If you’re going to lift, gets solid flat soles and a tight upper. If you were just going to do random cardio then cross trainers are fine, if you were going to run or jog then you need running and jogging shoes.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC It's great that you are starting this program! Lots of good advice given so far. Suggest a t shirt that does cover your booty for the bending over involved with the workouts. Also, a small towel might help if you are uncomfortable with how much you might sweat. You will see how little everyone will notice or care!
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Anyone who is a big enough dbag to scowl or scoff at you because you're a thicc boi is not gonna care if you're in a duck costume or in the coolest gym outfit ever. Wear what's comfy. If you start to really enjoy the process, upgrade as you go.

And imo, Amazon has plenty of random small online stores for gym clothes. Cheaper than the Nike's of the world. Just tough because you can't try it on first.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC First step- Don't go buying out the entire Nike outlet store. Wear something comfy at first and then adjust as necessary. If that's new shoes, shorts, or shirts then so be it. Have a goal, a plan to attain that goal, and do it one step at a time whether that's walking, running, or lunging.
You Got This!
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Wear something comfy, not restrictive and cool. Realize that you're probably going to sweat a lot (I spent a lot of time trying to lose 50 pounds (but slowly) and I sweated less as I lost the fat). Don't worry about what you wear, concentrate on getting there regularly and being healthy. Congratulations on the decision to work out. Some days are easier than others getting to the gym but push through. It gets easier the better you start to feel.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Wear anything you like, the material should be polyester though. Any sport shoes are okay, however if you do any exercises that require feet for stability (deadlift, squat, etc) you should buy flat shoes or just do these with bare feet
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC A bit of a “golden rule” I heard a long time ago is what got me through. It basically goes: You need to learn that you aren’t special. The average person who hasn’t met you before doesn’t know you and doesn’t care to either. You’re a background character to them. They likely won’t remember your face 5 minutes after you leave. Stop thinking that everyone stares at you or cares what you look like because no one does.

Think about it… When you go to the grocery store, how many faces do you actually remember by the time you get home? Do you remember any of their outfits the next day? Probably not, because it doesn’t matter to you and they aren’t important to your life. Even some of the most raggedy or most well dressed people won’t be remembered most of the time, let alone averages joes. Also, a lot of people in the gym have been fat before and most definitely have seen people bigger than you. The point is that you’re trying to better yourself. Stay consistent and remember that your only real enemy here is yourself.

TLDR; Wear what you want. You’re overthinking it, nobody will care or even remember after you leave.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC I would recommend comfy loose sweat absorbing shirts and shorts. Ideally you'll get to the point that you'll get gym specific shoes (I prefer Reebok Nano X1,2, or 3) but regular tennis shoes should be fine. Don't overthink what you should wear but focus on getting to the gym consistently. Also, bring a towel to wipe sweat off, a water bottle and some headphones for music. If you're brand new to the gym I would suggest trying a personal trainer for 6 weeks. Buy 10 sessions and for the first 2 weeks go 3x a week with trainer and for the last 4 weeks have 1 session with trainer and go 2x by yourself. It's a great way to get in the habit, you got this 💪🏾
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Honestly, no one is paying attention to you. Wear a sweat-wicking shirt and some athletic shorts. It just feels that way because we have nowhere else to look since we’re all in a tiny space and everyone is standing around. I would wear gym shoes because you're going to ruin your regular shoes fast.
@e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Wear whatever feels comfortable to you, some people wear pyjamas, some tank tops, just wear whatever you feel good in, and for shoes, idk about your gym but in my gym it’s a rule to bring a clean pair of shoes, again wear whatever shoes you’re comfortable wearing