What was your gym-jury this week?

@noelcraddock Very silly little injury. Cut my toenail too short and wore a pair of sneakers that apparently don't fit as well as I thought. Realized after the treadmill I had a bloody blister covering the entire tip of my second toe going under the toenail. Gross.
@noelcraddock I am thank you. I ran when the sidewalk was clear and walked/trotted when the way wasn't shoveled. I am runner so it wasn't so bad. Though i wished I had clean shirt for rest of my shift...lol
@kylels Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope the rest of this year turns out a little better for you. Who can fault a person for wanting to get back into it with a massive upper body set for some pump!?
@noelcraddock Pressing often bothers my shoulders. I’ve been trying to move my hands out slowly on the bar, went from ring fingers to middle fingers on the rings. But I gave up on it this week and went back to ring fingers. That tiny adjustment makes a big difference.
@noelcraddock Last week while I was doing dumbbell shoulder presses I lost stability with my left shoulder and wrenched things a bit keeping the weight from going backwards. This week I was doing heavier barbell OHP and had the same kind of instability on the last rep of a triple. Shoulder is now very grumpy, though I’m glad that it appears to be the muscle rather than the joint that’s damaged, which should be a bit easier to heal. Just going to have to dial back all of my pressing for a while.