What's your daily schedule look like?

@prayersword There's no one size fits all. If you want to do r/naturalbodybuilding then you need to do it anyhow. It's not like we're telling you to make some smoothie in a mason jar and eat your perfectly grilled chicken and salads unless you're into that kind of lifestyle already. Just drink some coffee or lots of it, and lift, and eat.

The tiredness could be caused by the desk job. Can you try moving around more during office hours and getting some sunlight throughout the day?
getting some sunlight throughout the day

At your physical, they should check to see if you're deficient in vitamin D. Most people are. And it's very inexpensive to supplement. It's not going to be a night and day difference, but it does feel better to have it at a sufficient amount. And every little bit helps.

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