What's your daily schedule look like?

@renie One hour lunch break. Superset isolation exercice. I do my stretching and my cardio in the morning. 45 minutes is ok for me 5 days a week!
@prayersword Everyone is different mate just do whatever works for you. I work 11pm til 5/6am most days. Some times I go to the gym around 12/1pm for an hour, sometimes I go at 9:30ish before work. Makes no difference just do whatever feels best for u
@prayersword 6:30-7am Get ready for work and help get the kids ready to go with mom

8:00-5:00pm Work

6:00pm-7ish Workout (on days kids aren't playing sports)

7:15-10pm cook, eat, hang out with wife and kids and get ready for bed.
@prayersword Office work is indeed tiring so i will keep my heavy workouts for weekend.

During the weekdays, back home around 7pm, i eat around 200g of greek yoghurt and then straight to the gym. I will mostly use light weights(15 to 20reps)
@prayersword First - pay attention to what you’re eating and when. If you’re eating a big lunch, that’s going to cause you to really fall off in the afternoon. I totally get this way, too. It may not be ideal, but you could even grab a small coffee on the way out the door if it doesn’t effect your sleep.

Second - if you truly want to workout then go straight to the gym after work. If you workout at home then change into your workout clothes as soon as you get home and start working out (go easy and do something you really enjoy at first).

You have to prioritize it. Naps are great, but sometimes you’re just craving a nap because it has become your routine and not because you really need it. You’d be amazed at how good you feel just working out as soon as you get off work and an added bonus - your dinner will generally be a little smaller because you’re not trying to “fuel” this lack of energy with a big meal or to cure some boredom.
@prayersword Workout from 5-6:30, work from 8-5, do cardio 3 days a week after work. We have a bike at home which makes it easy but prior to that I’d run back to the gym after work
@prayersword I’m incredibly lucky and both my gym and my workplace are within five minutes walk of my home.

I get up at 5am so I’ve got time to get some breakfast in and then a decent gym session. Usually get home from the gym about 8am which gives me plenty of time to be ready for work at 9am.

My workouts are so much better since I’ve switched to the morning, it’s unreal. And I’m usually left in a good mood for the rest of the day.
@prayersword Find a gym on the way to the office and train before work. Before working from home became the norm I'd get to the gym for 7am, train for an hour, shower, then go straight to the office from there.

Took the pressure off in case i needed to work late or was tired, and avoided after work rush hour. It's out of the way and done.
@prayersword I work 8-6 Monday to Friday.

I tried going right after work, but it’s tough with all the damn people.

I went from upper lower to PPL so the workouts were shorter, even though it’s not “optimal” - but I’m able to get to the gym every morning.

Then at 6 when I’m done I have nothing to do. Going before work also gives you a lot of energy and a mental boost. I’m finding my lifts are starting to catch up to the evening time numbers.

Something to try
@prayersword Here is my normal weekday but here you should lift in the morning. As you get older and have more responsibilities, it's the only answer, in my opinion. I have a busy job (lawyer) and 2 kids. Working out after work is a recipe for disaster.

6-7 - wake up, eat cereal, pack shaker/lunch/clothes if going to office.

7 - leave house, drop daughter off at daycare and get to gym

~7:30-8:30 - lift then shower and change if going to office, otherwise go home

8:30 - post workout shake (protein + carbs)

8:30 - 6 - work, eat lunch and afternoon snack

6-7 - see kids, eat dinner

7-9 - watch TV or go for swim if warm enough

9-10 - read assuming i didnt stay up too late watching tv and youtube

10pm - sleep but often later because im a night owl piece of shit
@prayersword Don't stop. Go straight from work to gym. If you rest, even for 15 mins, it's game over.

I just think of it as part of my work day. I tell myself that I don't work 9-5, I work 9-7.
@prayersword I go to gym at 8pm. That’s after dropping my boy to nursery at 830, working 9-5, prepping dinner and then bathing him. Wife does everything in between.

It doesn’t matter when you go gym, key is to just get it done.
@prayersword 9 to 6 behind the pc and you get sleepy at 6? Respect. I do the same from 9 to 5 and get sleepy around 3.

After work I go home. Cook, eat and be at the gym at 7 and be back home around 9. For me that's the best way.
@prayersword Still a student but I prefer to train in the morning.
If you’re not a morning person it may take some getting used to but it’s just so practical.

Plus you’ll avoid the busy hours at the gym.
@prayersword I have the same problem - extremely tired after work.
But optimizing my sleep schedule really helped me.

I have a strict “No sleep before 10pm”-rule.
And I often take a coffee before leaving work (No caffeine after 6pm, otherwise it affects my sleep).

Furthermore, I mix my own pre-workout because I don’t want caffeine in the evenings.
I just buy the ingredients separately.

Once you start the “No napping”-rule, you will find you have more energy overall. Because you sleep way deeper at night.

Also, I don’t workout too late, because my body gets stressed and I have a hard time falling asleep.

A good sleep schedule is a big part of your gains too.