Which workout videos have you enjoyed lately?

@tatana I've been really enjoying it! The HIIT is a great way to start the mornings, and the ab work feels like it's really working. She also has a great energy, her videos are fun :)
@andrea_0517 I've been doing her 2 week Ab one which is only 10 min and I am also about dead at the end of it. I'm a little over halfway through the two weeks and I think it's getting HARDER!
@warpur Whitney Simmons has been posting follow along videos and I’m pretty obsessed! Her bodyweight one killed me and I do it every other day! She released two others, and I just saw on her Instagram that she is filming two more!! I’m patiently (not patiently) waiting!

Chloe Ting - love all her videos!! To switch it up!
@warpur I love Popsugar Fitness videos on youtube! It makes me feel like I’m in a group fitness class which helps motivate me to work hard and they have a good variety of exercises too (the dance ones being some of my favorites)! I always get my butt kicked regardless, but some people may not find them particularly difficult.
@distinguished Popsugar has such a good range of videos. I did a kickboxing one this morning that literally kicked my butt. One thing that makes me keep going back to Popsugar fitness videos is the fact that they have modifications for all of their workouts.