Why Asians are overweight/obese at lower BMIs

@seraph159 No one is afraid of anything you’re saying. We are already aware of it. We are also aware that these systems were also put in place to benefit you. And you lack the self awareness to even she you’re attempting to do the same thing wm have done. Trying to tell woc what is best for them. What is healthy for them, and what or whatnot to believe in. Example you’re hijacking the post about Asian women’s health and weight issues. Stop
@seraph159 You got upvoted above because you told the oop that she did nothing wrong, and you got downvoted here because you’re spreading misinformation. BMI isn’t perfect but it’s still a useful guideline and being very overweight isn’t healthy. People can do what they want with their bodies but they shouldn’t lie about science and medicine. It’s not complicated.
@csh97 Multiple medical journals have published studies on how BMI isn't good predictor of health for a large portion of the population. And that there are much better predictors. If the leading scientific bodies are saying that, how is that "lying about science"?
@godisveryreal To every ignorant person down voting me, give this a read: https://www.sapiens.org/biology/is-race-real/

Race is not a biological reality. There is no such thing as an Asian race.

There are a lot of different and genetically varied populations/ethnicities that we define as "Asian" on a social level, and it is entirely probable that some or many of these specific population groups develop weight related issues at lower BMIs. But this is not a racial issue and it is ridiculous to act like someone from the Philippines has the same genetic backdrop as someone from Japan, for example.

So, you're not entirely wrong to point out the differences in BMI for different population groups. But let's not make the mistake of claiming there is such a thing as an Asian race that we can draw medical conclusions from.

(I realize it is still standard in America for people to treat race like a biological reality. This is 100% incorrect and needs to be moved beyond)

Edit: lmao the amount down votes for pointing out the basic fact that race is not a biological reality is.. depressing. 😬😬😬😬😬 why are Americans so invested in believing in and supporting outdated, inaccurate and racist garbage?
@lettuce By race do you mean generic descriptors like Brown, Black, White, and Asian?

There is for sure a genetic basis for ethnicities though (using your example Japanese and Filipino). And if I recall correctly, the different ethnicities that make up the different races are generally more closely related to one another than to other races
@lettuce The article you linked agrees with I said. Ancestry/ethnicity does influence your genetic risk of developing conditions. But, ancestry/ethnicity are not the same thing as race. Race is what people see, while ancestry/ethnicity is based on where you are from.
@cordereko There was a study done in my country that showed that we produce less insulin and have poorer response to glucose loads than Caucasians. Our obesity rate isn’t high yet we are one of developed nations with the highest diabetes numbers. There are a lot of skinny fat people around with T2 diabetes.

Also not forgetting about gestational diabetes. Pregnant women who developed GDM are at 50% higher risk of developing T2 diabetes later in life.
@meteorstorm Did they test for autoantibodies to the pancreas in adults in this study?

The reason I’m asking is type 1 diabetes that develops in adults is more common then people thought, eventually no matter what they do they will have to go on insulin as the beta cells are destroyed more and more. They call it type 1.5 diabetes and think a lot of people diagnosed with type 2 actually have the type 1.5. I bet it is way more common in asians and I wonder if they are routinely testing for these autoantibodies which can indicate an autoimmune condition which there is no cure for.
@but_first_coffee Hmm I don’t think so because it wasn’t reported that they did autoantibodies testing. They mostly did HOMA-IR to assess for beta cell function and carried out several glucose tests like the OGTT. I don’t have the actual paper to read and the information was mostly published in our National newspaper paper.

However another ongoing study: the MEC that suspect that Chinese have issues with fat metabolism that causes increase in insulin resistance and also inflammatory markers like c reactive protein that contributes to maybe the beta cells being destroyed.

The MECalso mentioned a common genetic variant in East Asians known as PAX4 that is associated with T2 diabetes.