Why is 60 minutes classes the standard? 90 minutes classes would be much more efficient

@christianman02 It all comes down to one thing, space. If you have the space, none of things these are issues because there isn't any competition for space. I was at a very successful gym that had a 300+ member Crossfit affiliate, any dedicated oly area, a dedicated powerlifting area (both with active communities), spin, room for group fitness and yoga, plus on floor with a traditional "globe" style gym. The only think that made it work was its size. People are paying for the space to do the things they love, without the space, you just lose them to bigger or more specialized gyms.
@christianman02 I'm one of those who uses my crossfit gym for powerlifting training, as there is almost always equipment I need available and the space to use it. Occasionally I need to adjust my assistance lifts, but it is rare, and I'm willing to do it as overall I save a ton of time and effort compared to trying to do the lift at a commercial gym. Even more so when I'm prepping for strongman contests. Important caveats though. My gym is fairly big with lots of rack space, and even then, if there are huge classes going on and they need the equipment, I know they come first. The gym does run a powerlifting focused strength cycle with in house meet every year so there are other people doing it some times. I'm also willing to pay the premium for it, not a lot of powerlifters are. It helps that I like to still do crossfit classes for my cardio work on non lifting days. Even with all that, when I start my peaking programming I'm going to try and make it to a dedicated powerlifting gym a few times.
@bldssphq My suggestion is if you have a series of afternoon classes you could make your first and last classes 90 minutes. Our gym open at 3:30, but it could start at 3, then run a 4:30,5:30 hour long class for the working people who need to make it home after an hour of work, then a 6:30 90 minute class again
@bldssphq My gym does this with their Competition track. One 90 min comp class Mon-Wed and Fri, Sat. I feel like this along with open gym throughout the day satisfies a majority of those wanting to compete or need more than what the 60 min classes offer.

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