Women’s vs men’s barbell


New member
Women of CrossFit, does your box have women’s (15 kg) barbells? Mine only has one, so it’s often hoarded by certain people. I find (as a small handed female)I have trouble with my grip using the men’s (20 kg) bars. I asked the owner if we could get more, but she said probably not, as she’s trying to replace some other things. What’s a good way to improve using the men’s bars, since I rarely get to use the women’s?
@truthtellah Geez. Our gym has more women bars then men’s, and I usually use a women’s bar (ladies get first dibs of course, but we have plenty).

That’s kinda messed up. It makes a big difference. Definitely something that should be addressed.
@chris999 This.

We even have more bars for the ladies, but we also have more female members. Sometimes, I have to use a 15 kg-bar, but that‘s ok as long it is not for deadlifting or squatting.
@truthtellah 🚩🚩🚩🚩This is 100% a red flag for me for this gym. If they are skimping on supplying womens barbells they may skimp on other things. Have never heard of such a thing at a legit box. What is it? An all boys school? Proper barbells should be a priority at the minimum. if i was in your position I would start exploring other boxes, i have a feeling there may be other benefits you are missing out on.
@truthtellah Best I can suggest is improving your grip strength or buying your own bar to use that you can store in that space (ideally with an agreement that no one else will use it)

That really sucks. My work gym only has the male bars and I hate it so much - makes everything so much harder than when I'm at my box. I feel for ya
@letitia812 Nooooo, what were the movements???

I have a partner comp coming up in a couple weeks where they specify each lane will have one men’s bar and one women’s bar regardless of team makeup, so some women will have to use the men’s bar. I’m taking the L and will be using the men’s for one of them (I’m doing hang power cleans, partner will be doing hang power snatches so figured best to give her the proper women’s bar). I was practicing yesterday and was shook by how much grippier it felt! Potential injury did not occur to me though 😵‍💫
@letitia812 Yes I know that's how it SHOULD be, but that's not what they're doing. It is synchro, each person gets their own bar. Also... there is a distinctly different experience to be a man using a women's bar than to be a woman using a men's bar! Annoying. Just curious to know what movements bothered your hand so I can be mentally prepared/adjust my strategy accordingly lol

All lanes will have a Male bar & a Female bar - regardless of the gender makeup of your team. See the loading patterns:

Male/Male Team - Male Bar w/ 35’s, Female bar w/ 25’s+15’s

Male/Female Team - Male Bar w/ 35’s, Female bar w/ 25’s

Female/Female Team - Male Bar w/ 15’s + 5’s, Female bar w/ 25’s
@letitia812 It's apparently a very heteronormative valentines day themed partner comp that only recently allowed same-sex teams but apparently decided they're not rearranging the whole layout for you. Seems so silly to me. None of their other competitions are like this.... Luckily it will only be for the one workout! Thanks!!!