Working on a text based workout tracker, looking for some feedback


New member
I have been working on this as a personal project for a while now in my spare time and would like some feedback on what you lot think/if anyone in their right mind would ever use it. (Note: I originally made this as a user as I felt it was lacking in a lot of areas, although I though the idea of tracking workout with text input was an amazing idea. Hence the syntax is similar)

To show how it works heres an example workout:

this is a comment about the entire workout


20 kg x 2 x 3 this is a comment, this set was 20kg for 2 reps for 3 sets

35 lb x 1 x 5 you can also use lb

45 x 2 x 5 or have no units in this case the units will be set by your accounts default setting

55 x 1 @ 9 can define RPE

50 x 2,4,5 you can also use this format where you did 2 reps then 4 then 5

this is a comment about the squats in general

#pull up

BW x 1 x 5 some exersices dont use weight so you can use BW for bodyweight

BW+10x2x3 if you are doing a weighted bodyweight exercise you can add the weight you used

BW-10x2x3 same if you are doing a supported bodyweight exercise


15:15, 15:16 you can also track times

45 seconds, 56 hours, 44 mins in a bunch of ways

1 km or distances

24 miles


Or use the test account. U: test, P: test123

Please by kind to my complete inability to any kind of layout design, I am definatly not a designer
@davidtoma Love it. I definitely think this is going to fill a niche for some people, it's one of the more intelligently designed loggers I've ever seen! Hope to see big things from this.
@davidtoma It's not going to be for everyone so don't let any critics get to you. It'll be invaluable to anyone who has been waiting for something like this!

I'm especially fond of the stats/volume. Factoring BW into pullups is genius!
@davidtoma This is a great idea and with it being text based it removes a lot of the limitations a lot of other trackers have.

Once problem I'm having right now is with the units. I've selected lbs in the settings, but it keeps assuming the loads in my log are in kilos.

For example, here's my log:

265 x 10 x 3

230 x 10 x 3

225 x 10 x 3

#Hammer Strength Row 
80 x 10 x 3

#Calf Raise on Leg Press 
450 x 10 x 3

Then the log looks like this. Obviously sets, reps, and avg. intensity is wrong too.
@micah111 Thats odd did you set it to lb before submitting the log that might be issue. I couldn't replace this but I did find that submitting bodyweights in lb was broken and thats fixed now
@davidtoma I set it to lb in the log itself, but my settings were still set to kg since I didn't adjust my settings first. Since I thought this was the issue to begin with I deleted the log after changing settings to lbs, but even after reentering the log I get the same thing.

EDIT - I deleted the log and tried it again and the loads are correct this time. Avg. Intensity, sets, and reps are still wrong though, showing exactly the same as the original screenshot I posted.
@davidtoma Sweet. I notice the avg. intensity is showing 100% though. Shouldn't this be a % of estimated 1RM?

Also, any plans on making this based of a known 1RM as opposed to an estimated?
@micah111 Well at the moment it's based of the max weight you've hit irregardless of how many reps you did, so if you track a 1rm then it will based of a true 1rm but as you've only entered a 10rm it just assumes that that is also your 1rm as it doesn't know any better. I could add an option for people to switch between basing it of a true 1rm like it is now or estimated 1rm