Workouts for REALLY weak woman?

@dianad373 A year and a half ago I was essentially bed ridden. When we moved out of bvb the house that was making me sicker, O started with 200 steps a day. Increases by 100 a week. I'm maintaining at around 4000 a day and started lifting weights 6 months ago. 2lbs strap on weights to start. Just dead lifted 50 lbs Tuesday. That's a pretty for me.

That's slow progress for most people, but I still have a chronic illness and I have to go slow. I'm still 1,000x better than I was 1 1/2 ago. Dont be discouraged if walking slowly 5 min is all you can do, do that. You will eventually be able to progress.

Good luck!
@dianad373 A year and a half ago I was essentially bed ridden. When we moved out of bvb the house that was making me sicker, O started with 200 steps a day. Increases by 100 a week. I'm maintaining at around 4000 a day and started lifting weights 6 months ago. 2lbs strap on weights to start. Just dead lifted 50 lbs Tuesday. That's a pretty for me.

That's slow progress for most people, but I still have a chronic illness and I have to go slow. I'm still 1,000x better than I was 1 1/2 ago. Dont be discouraged if walking slowly 5 min is all you can do, do that. You will eventually be able to progress.

Good luck!
@dianad373 A year and a half ago I was essentially bed ridden. When we moved out of bvb the house that was making me sicker, O started with 200 steps a day. Increases by 100 a week. I'm maintaining at around 4000 a day and started lifting weights 6 months ago. 2lbs strap on weights to start. Just dead lifted 50 lbs Tuesday. That's a pretty for me.

That's slow progress for most people, but I still have a chronic illness and I have to go slow. I'm still 1,000x better than I was 1 1/2 ago. Dont be discouraged if walking slowly 5 min is all you can do, do that. You will eventually be able to progress.

Good luck!
@dianad373 A year and a half ago I was essentially bed ridden. When we moved out of bvb the house that was making me sicker, O started with 200 steps a day. Increases by 100 a week. I'm maintaining at around 4000 a day and started lifting weights 6 months ago. 2lbs strap on weights to start. Just dead lifted 50 lbs Tuesday. That's a pretty for me.

That's slow progress for most people, but I still have a chronic illness and I have to go slow. I'm still 1,000x better than I was 1 1/2 ago. Dont be discouraged if walking slowly 5 min is all you can do, do that. You will eventually be able to progress.

Good luck!
@dianad373 Honestly, while these are all awesome suggestions, I highly suggest if you have the disposable income you might want to consider a personal trainer for a while.

I was exactly like you a year ago, and while I've done the C25K approach many times with slow progress (like, really, really slow - where I repeat the same week over and over because I feel so week), it wasn't until I started working with an actual trainer who focused on strength training did I start seeing improvements in all my other exercise endeavors. Endurance and stamina were greatly improved as I increased my core strength and stability.

I couldn't do a pushup or run for more than 30 seconds. I didn't know how to use any gym equipment. Even on a normal day without any exercise I'd feel the struggle doing basic household tasks. This made a huge difference for me.
@dianad373 Honestly, while these are all awesome suggestions, I highly suggest if you have the disposable income you might want to consider a personal trainer for a while.

I was exactly like you a year ago, and while I've done the C25K approach many times with slow progress (like, really, really slow - where I repeat the same week over and over because I feel so week), it wasn't until I started working with an actual trainer who focused on strength training did I start seeing improvements in all my other exercise endeavors. Endurance and stamina were greatly improved as I increased my core strength and stability.

I couldn't do a pushup or run for more than 30 seconds. I didn't know how to use any gym equipment. Even on a normal day without any exercise I'd feel the struggle doing basic household tasks. This made a huge difference for me.
@dianad373 Honestly, while these are all awesome suggestions, I highly suggest if you have the disposable income you might want to consider a personal trainer for a while.

I was exactly like you a year ago, and while I've done the C25K approach many times with slow progress (like, really, really slow - where I repeat the same week over and over because I feel so week), it wasn't until I started working with an actual trainer who focused on strength training did I start seeing improvements in all my other exercise endeavors. Endurance and stamina were greatly improved as I increased my core strength and stability.

I couldn't do a pushup or run for more than 30 seconds. I didn't know how to use any gym equipment. Even on a normal day without any exercise I'd feel the struggle doing basic household tasks. This made a huge difference for me.
@dianad373 Walking, really gentle yin/hatha yoga and if you're feeling brave, try out some bodyweight HIIT workouts and take it slow. I was sooooo weak in my upper body but starting with yoga, then moving onto quick 10-15 minute HIIT videos on YouTube (I like blogilates) eventually led me to lifting weights and I can do 20 pushups now!! I'm a similar height/weight to you and I found even just 10-15 minutes of those workouts 2 times per week helped a lot to build my strength.

I liked lower intensity HIIT workouts because you only do an exercise for like 20 or 30 seconds with a lot of breaks/rest and it's usually like 5 exercises total. I can usually get myself through that short of a burst and the breaks helped me recover.
@dianad373 Honestly, while these are all awesome suggestions, I highly suggest if you have the disposable income you might want to consider a personal trainer for a while.

I was exactly like you a year ago, and while I've done the C25K approach many times with slow progress (like, really, really slow - where I repeat the same week over and over because I feel so week), it wasn't until I started working with an actual trainer who focused on strength training did I start seeing improvements in all my other exercise endeavors. Endurance and stamina were greatly improved as I increased my core strength and stability.

I couldn't do a pushup or run for more than 30 seconds. I didn't know how to use any gym equipment. Even on a normal day without any exercise I'd feel the struggle doing basic household tasks. This made a huge difference for me.
@dianad373 Honestly, while these are all awesome suggestions, I highly suggest if you have the disposable income you might want to consider a personal trainer for a while.

I was exactly like you a year ago, and while I've done the C25K approach many times with slow progress (like, really, really slow - where I repeat the same week over and over because I feel so week), it wasn't until I started working with an actual trainer who focused on strength training did I start seeing improvements in all my other exercise endeavors. Endurance and stamina were greatly improved as I increased my core strength and stability.

I couldn't do a pushup or run for more than 30 seconds. I didn't know how to use any gym equipment. Even on a normal day without any exercise I'd feel the struggle doing basic household tasks. This made a huge difference for me.
@dianad373 Yoga for sure! And if you have a rowing machine available to you, that's very easy to control in terms of effort and works all your muscles. Stick with it and you won't feel weak anymore in no time!
@dianad373 If you think you may have energy related issues, perhaps get checked for any deficiencies (iron, B12, etc) but if it’s just general weakness and not due to lack of energy, start slow and light and add weight or time as you go.

You can do any type of workout you wish, just start moving and keep it simple to start. Find what interests you the most and learn more from there.
@dianad373 I was pretty weak when I started out, too. Start with just one thing, and move on from there. I use Fitness Blenders workouts (free on youtube!) and run outside a couple times a week. Before you know it, your cardio health will improve, you will be able to run farther and faster, and you will be able to do more reps in whatever exercise you choose.

You can do this! You just have to start and keep going.
@kiwichristiqn Fitness blender worked for me as someone who started out super weak! You can filter by difficult AND there’s a low impact month-long program you can buy which will really up your fitness level even though it’s not inherently difficult and has a lot of modifications.
@kiwichristiqn I totally recommend fitness blender! You can search for workouts based on difficulty, or duration. So you could start with some of the lower difficulty workouts, or initially only choose workouts shorter than 15 minutes for example, and build up from there.

I started working out by doing fitness blender videos 4 or 5 times a week around 6 weeks ago and have noticed such a difference already! I was in pretty bad shape with very poor fitness and have noticed a real improvement in that, and my strength, already. I vary the workouts I do so some days are a bit more 'extreme' than others, but I never do ones longer than around 35 minutes as I just can't be bothered...! You can schedule workouts to a calendar on there too which I find is great motivation and it's FREE.

Sorry, it's a bit embarrassing and I sound like I work for them... It's just the first ever fitness thing that I've stuck to and seem results with so I'm quite excited about it.
@yukonchris I love the calendar! And Kelli and Daniel are just so stinking wholesome and motivating and it makes working out with them so much easier. I tell errrybody about fitness blender, lol.
@kiwichristiqn Yeah I totally agree, they really are motivating. Not in a cheesy over the top way either. I always find it comforting seeing them getting out of breath in the workouts, makes me feel better about being a sweaty mess!