Workouts for REALLY weak woman?

@yukonchris I love the calendar! And Kelli and Daniel are just so stinking wholesome and motivating and it makes working out with them so much easier. I tell errrybody about fitness blender, lol.
@yukonchris I love the calendar! And Kelli and Daniel are just so stinking wholesome and motivating and it makes working out with them so much easier. I tell errrybody about fitness blender, lol.
@yukonchris I love the calendar! And Kelli and Daniel are just so stinking wholesome and motivating and it makes working out with them so much easier. I tell errrybody about fitness blender, lol.
@dianad373 Every workout will be a struggle until you get stronger- that's how you get stronger! When I started running I couldn't even run for a minute, now I run 60-70km a week, and just did a sub- 2 hour half marathon. Also, you should know, with running you will always struggle if you want to always push your speed/ distance. But instead of struggling at a 6:30min/km pace, I struggle at a 5min/km pace- and the struggle no longer feels depressing. Running feels 'easy' at a 6min/km pace for me now, which helps getting through tough workouts.
@dianad373 I started out 3 years ago struggling with 5lb dumbbells...start slow and listen to your body. A lot of what I learned was from watching people in the gym and reading a bunch on here and other weightlifting websites!
@dianad373 Saaaaame here. I'm so weak and almost the same stats as you. But I'd really recommend lifting. You didn't mention your goals, but I'd try picking up some heavy stuff. I can't squat at the rack, so I'm doing kettle bell squats and dumbbell stuff and lemme just say, it's hard, but consistency is key! Lift something! Lift anything! Next week you'll be able to lift just a little bit more!

Sorry for the ! overload, I'm just happy to relate. Best of luck.
@dianad373 I’d recommend seeing a doctor or exercise physiologist first. Rule out conditions others have mentioned: chronic fatigue; asthma; anemia, etc.

Then start weightlifting very slowly. Baby steps like just using the weight machines at the gym, just read and follow the labels, or hire a trainer for one session to walk you through all the different machines and what they do. Practice doing 10 reps at a low weight, then next time increase the weight and do 10. If that’s too hard go back to the lower weight and do 20. You’ll start feeling stronger in no time!
@dianad373 Hi! Although your post seems geared towards running, it's good to do strength building exercises too. Try doing wall push ups and squats. Don't worry if you need to do a modified version of an exercise, just make sure that you do the right form! Form is key! It's a lot better to do fewer of an exercise right than a lot of an exercise wrong. Good luck!

Message me if you want to :)

I used to be a lot weaker than I wanted to. I could not do any push ups and I struggled with knee push ups. Eventually I got better and now I can do 8 in a row which to me is an accomplishment :)