Workouts for REALLY weak woman?

@washthe2008 I have asthma and I’ve never been able to run without losing breath. But I’m okay with other exercise. I don’t know why that is.

Anyway when I first wanted to lose weight I started by walking. OP if you have the time and the weather is nice it’s a relaxing therapeutic routine
@dianad373 Do you just struggle with exercise or are you always fatigued? I had awful "exercise intolerance" and it turned out that I was borderline anemic. Took some iron supplements, and now it's fixed!
@dawn16 God yes, I was severely iron deficient last year and kept fainting during workouts. I also found out that I had asthma and exercise is a trigger for me. Exercise is so much easier now I'm treating that.
@prayer143 I know people who did that, in my case I went to the Dr about my restless leg syndrome, because I couldn't sleep and it was so bad my legs were "cramping/jerking" on their own. I'm used to fatigue so it wasn't too much of a red flag. She said low iron is a common cause of that & sent me for a blood test.
@dawn16 Great point. Just wanna jump in here and say that improving my nutrition has helped immensely in how I feel at the gym. If I ate crappy that day, I feel crappy lifting. Don't know what your diet is like, but my personal advice is to feed your body well, whatever that may look like for you, especially on gym days :)
@brendaah I know, probably should have specified! Sorry! It's just in my case the that the anemia was caused by low iron & my RBCs didn't replenish fast enough after a blood donation.
@dawn16 Sorry didn't mean to come off as accusatory or anything. Point is, women who don't feel better with iron can still have untreated anemia so don't give up y'all!
@dawn16 Every so often I run out of iron pills and go "eh, I'll be fine. I will pick up more eventually" and by the next week I am tired all of the time, taking afternoon naps, drinking black tea for caffeine (which exacerbates the problem), and, in general, being a grouchy tired lump.

Then, after a week or so of being a lump I remember that I haven't taken an iron pill in awhile and pick some up and return to being a functional person.

I hate being anemic, I thought I wouldn't be anemic anymore because my IUD stopped my periods but no, I just am anemic. And I surprise myself every time that I forget that I am anemic and don't medicate myself. Ugh.
@havehope4bliss I was taking Slow Fe for awhile and should probably go back to it because currently I'm just taking a women's multivitamin but I know I'm still technically slightly anemic when I don't have another source.
@stealth001 This sounds just like me if I skip taking my narcolepsy medicine. "I'll be fine, I've been feeling fine for weeks now! I can totally drive home 12 hours from when I wake up with no issues at all"... Wrong. I never skip anymore.
@dawn16 Similar. I was exhausted all the time and suuuuuper weak. Turns out I malnourished due to celiac-induced malabsorption. Took a few years but my muscle mass is back to normal for my size. Now I'm working on making it A+.