X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

@oceanskk You look great. Just started year two of my journey, and it's encouraging to see people power their way through the low points. At least for me, it's a battle not to say "fuck it, I'll do it tomorrow" and then hate my physique in the morning. Just seeing your tenacity and upbeat approach really helps me become more consistent and maintain the committment.
@dawn16 Go you! Powering through it and just doing the damn thing is the hardest part sometimes but I really admire you for not quitting! Congrats on one year of a healthier lifestyle and best of luck on the all your goals for this year :)
@oceanskk You sound so much like myself. I'm 5'0" started off in the 150s and got down to 122lbs basically through not eating. Unfortunately my husband cheated on me and I've been stuck in a depression for the past 4 months and I think I'm somewhere between 135-140. I have finally started working out again and tracking my food. I used to have the goal of teaching yoga, but I've gotten so weak that seems like a far off dream. Thanks for posting this, it gives me hope.
@oceanskk You are amazing and inspire me. We have a similar body type and I too have yo-yoed with my weight and body composition over the years. I'm back into lifting heavy and incorporating cardio/HIIT. No diet program, per se, just eating reasonably around 1200-ish calories a day. Keep it up!
@oceanskk Damn, get it with that deadlift! I've never really been heavy except for when I was a kid, I kept my baby weight for a long time, but I've always had this bad body image. I feel huge and look similar to you do now. I'm trying really hard to cultivate a healthy relationship with food while feeling better about my body, and I'm getting better, but it's not easy. Your story is inspiring to me in that you've had hiccups and bounced back. Thanks for the inspiration, you look amazing!!
@lostandconfused2 The bootcamp classes at my gym are just more structured for big groups, so we'll have a 5 min warm up, stretching, and then we'll rotate in small groups through 5-7 stations for like 60-90 seconds at a time, then we'll do something as a whole class (like sprints or tabatas or ab work) and then repeat the circuts.

The metcons I do independently I just do in the gym. We always have some school stuff written on the whiteboard, but if I can't find anything I just look up crossfit WODs, haha