Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

@kvolm Shortly after this exchange I tried the hammer strength supinated pulldown instead of the "whatever kneeling unsupported pulldown bullshit" I was doing before and gotta say that you were right on this one. Definitely feel like I'm doing a lot more good. Good call.
@kvolm Unsupported is the key word here.

I don't mind single arm work but would only do it with legs pinned down in a lat pull down machine and with my non working arm holding onto something solid for support.
@kvolm I agree with this. If you’re decently strong, you’re capable of pulling yourself off the ground, so how can you possible use enough weight to get good stimulus?
@kvolm I've only ever had access to Hammer Strength Row machines. What's the difference between those and the other chest supported options you ranked above them?
@deni500 The panatta high row and chest supported row have different mechanisms to actually move the load that result in a much more even resistance curve. On those the weight isn’t attached directly to the machine arm you’re moving like on the hammer strength ones. They’re also higher quality machines.

The prime machines have three separate pegs to put weights on that allow you to create a custom resistance curve.
@deni500 The Hammer Strength lat pulldown is awesome. Idk the reasoning behind it, but I do agree that the row isn’t nearly as good. I can’t feel it hitting very well. I’d much rather just do a cable row, or one armed DB rows.
@sarham41 I'm not going to write such an extensive tier-list. Realistically speaking, a lot of exercises could make it into the lower tiers. But I can tell you my bests for each muscle group.

Quads: high-bar squats, leg presses, hack squats (leg extensions are overrated IMO)

Calves: calf raises on the leg press machine (gives you a nice stretch in the hamstring and soleus too)

Hamstrings: RDLs and seated leg curls

Glutes: I don't really train them on purpose, but I have a big booty and I think squats and lunges are the reason why

Chest: bench press, dips, incline bench press

Triceps: overhead triceps extension on the cable machine, bench press, dips

Lats/Upper Back: Pull-ups, Kroc Rows

Biceps: Preacher Curls, Incline Bench Curls

Side Delts: Upright Rows on the cable machine

Front Delts: OHP, Bench Press, Dips

Rear Delts: Pull-ups, Kroc Rows, Face Pulls on the cable machine

Abs: Hanging leg raises, decline sit ups, ab wheel
@sarham41 Top 2 for each muscle group (S tier) for me

Chest: low incline smith machine, cambered bar flat bench (upright dips is a close 3rd)

Triceps: close grip flat bench, overhead extensions

Back: weighted pull-ups, chest supported rows (and reverse hypers for erectors)

Quads: hack squat, leg press (leg extensions close 3rd)

Hamstrings: smith machine good mornings, leg curls (GHR close 3rd)

Biceps: Alternating DB curls (supinating), Bayesian curls

Forearms: wrist roller, fat grip hammer curls

Abs: weighted decline sit-ups, cable crunches
@sarham41 My S tier for each group

Chest - cambered bar flat bench, incline smith, flat dumbell (all paused)

Tri - JM Press, 1 arm overhead cable extension (lengthened partials)

Shoulders - 1 arm cable raise at chest height, let arm stretch across whole body, reverse pec deck lengthened partials both

Bi - machine preacher curl (lengthened partials), arms out curl inward freemotion curl cable shoulder height (dropsets)

Forearms - gripper, barbell forearm curl both myorep match

Quads - hack squat, hatfield squats both full depth and paused

Hams - seated leg curl (lengthened partials), sldl heavy

Glutes - elevated bulgarian split squats (crying and swearing) dumbell, hatfield or smith

Back- meadows row, chest supported row

Lats - lat prayers (come up at the stretch rp style), paused at bottom assisted pullups

Abs - modified candlesticks, ab machine
@sarham41 Just my s tiers
Chest: dips
Back: pull-ups
Shoulders: dumbell press at 85 degree bench for front. Dumbell lateral for medial and db reverse fly row for rear.
Hams: RDL
Quads: paused leg press or reverse lunges with pause
Abs: plate crunch machine and hanging leg raise
Bicep: dumbell preacher curls
Tricep: strict tricep push down with flat bar super slowl negative with pause.
@sarham41 My s tier list for some muscles

Back :

meadows row - weighted pull ups - chest supported machine high row - wide grip pull down

Biceps :
Seated arm behind the back cable curl (dr wolf variation) - supinated dumbbell curl - machine preached curl

Triceps :
One arme push down - overhead cable extension - jm press - dumbbells skullcrusher

Seated dumbell press - cable lateral raises (arm level)

Calves :
Strict Standing calves raises (30 seconds rest between sets)
@sarham41 Free weight Quads

S: front squats, reverse lunges

A: barbell hack squats, high bar squats, split squats

B: low bar squats, zercher squats

in my experience. havent tried sissy squats or reverse norwegians tho