Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

@saraila Randy is marginally worse than Karen. And you haven’t even sniffed the barren wasteland of HSPU including hero workouts like Mary. THOSE will break you.

Edit: hadn’t heard of Kalsu, that sounds awful. 100 thrusters at 135/95?? WITH BURPEES EACH MINUTE?!
@jeffhairston Guess it depends on what you mean by new

Feeks-2014 hero wod on .com
Luce-2010 hero wod on .com
Monti-2016 hero wod on .com
Servais-2015 hero wod on .com
Spehar-2014 hero wod on .com
Arnie-2010 hero wod on .com

The OP mentioned Andi which came out in 2021 so I assumed he was including hero WODs
@godslittlerainbow I went back and saw OP also mentioned hero wods. I never went to a gym that was too big on hero wods other than Murph so I just have never heard of the ones you mentioned 🙃 All the benchmarks I really ever did, personally, were the girls.
@jeffhairston No problem, I think there are gyms that follow Comptrain or mayhem or something and that’s what people assume is CrossFit. And there are people that started CrossFit in their garage or a park or deployed and follow workouts and that’s CrossFit to them. Everyone’s CrossFit experience varies. I’ve been doing CrossFit since 2010 and have done CrossFit in every way imaginable so I have seen both angles
@godslittlerainbow I started in 2012 and always went to gyms that did their own programming. I tried out an invictus gym for a couple months and hated it lol combination of reasons but the programming was definitely geared towards competitive athletes and they had limited scaling options (I was pretty new at the time)
@saraila For endurance check out Clovis (10 mile run and 150 burpee pull ups). For a heavier Murph check out Gunny (running, push ups, sit ups with 50# vest).
@saraila Worst WOD I ever did. Unnamed.

50 double unders, followed by EMOM- 12 minutes

4 thrusters @ 115lbs
Double unders for the rest of the minute. Gail to get at least 50 double unders, sit out the next minute. Final score is the total number of doubles.

I was an average to maybe slightly above average athlete at the time, but I could knock out 50 doubles in 30 seconds. I was fucking DEAD after three rounds. Thrusters and doubles are possibly the two fastest accelerators of fatigue, and we were basically doing them nonstop.
@saraila Just don't. Please. Imagine that awful leg pain you get after doing a 500m row PR attempt, then apply that pain to your entire body, heart, and lungs. It's that kind of miserable where there is NO resting position. Nothing relaxes. It's just imminent pain and gasping for breath.