One gram of protein per pound? How?

@drobbyb Get some kids cereal that you like (or protein cereal if you like the taste), approx 70g or just make it fit your calories. Add 300g (10g protein) or even 400g of soy milk and add some flavoured protein powder (40g). You easily get 50g in a meal and you are hungry in 2 hours.

Tofu scramble: 200g tofu (26g protein), I add some nonsweetened soy milk, nutritional yeast, spices, and if you add a seitan sausage you can easily get to 40-50g per scramble.

"French" toast: 35g flavoured protein, mix with 200g soy milk, 1tbsp flaxseeds. Dump in 5 toasts, let them soak up the liquid and bake in a pan till they get golden brown and tasty as fuck. I eat it with microwaved frozen fruit and some soy greek style yogurt, but it also works with some zerocal syrup... Easy 50g protein and super tasty. 😋
@minimiura Where in Europe? I'm polish and the most common tvp shape we use are 'soy cutlets' which my mum has transformed for me into everything from a simple breaded chicken breast dinner to skewers for a bbq when I was a teenager. In the UK you usually get mince (in health food types of shops) and you can get tvp chunks in Asian shops.
@minimiura Yes, prepare it right and it gets you almost everywhere. Sauce Stache has some great recipes to make sth similar to Beyond Burgers with TVP, if you live in a country without vegan meat replacements in the supermarket.
@minimiura You should be able to find it across Europe. At least online, it’s great for buying in bulk. You could also check Indian and Asian stores, they usually carry it.
@drobbyb Yo that’s not bad to get, but not necessary. You really only need around .5-1g of protein per pound of body weight.

But anyway, maybe switch from chocolate spread to peanut butter? For snacks, you should try some roasted edamame or nuts. Also, you could try drinking a large protein shake with peanut butter and oats everyday.

For example, I get 60g of protein from my protein shake alone in the morning.

Here is my recipe:

One scoop of protein power (21-30g of protein depending on brand)

Two servings of peanut butter (14g of protein)

One serving of oats (5G or protein)

Two cups of soy milk (16g of protein)
@drobbyb So, if getting 1g/lb is really difficult for you, you would almost certainly be fine with 0.82g/lb, as long as that protein comes mostly from high quality sources (some plant proteins are a bit lower quality). That said, you can absolutely get 1g/lb, I'm currently about 165lb and aim for 165 grams per day, and it's not difficult if I plan my day accordingly.

First, make sure to eat a big breakfast (especially if you're a skinny person who has a tough time shoving a bunch of food down your gullet, eating early and big can help you eat more throughout the day). My favorite breakfast is a big ass protein shake. I usually make mine (with some variety depending on what I've got):

1 cup oatmeal

1 banana

2.5 to 3 cups low fat Oatly (or plant based milk of your choice)

1 scoop of protein powder (I use PEScience Vegan Select, highly recommend)

~80 grams of frozen spinach (I hate leafy greens so I eat them like this)

3 tbsp hemp seeds

2 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp ground flax

This all comes down to about 1100 calories, 58 grams of protein (which is more than a third of your daily goal!), 145 grams of carbs, and 36 grams of fat. Super easy to chug down, and super easy to customize to your preferences/what you have available.

I like to have another big meal after my workout, which comes probably ~4 hours after my breakfast. I try to aim for at least 30 grams of protein in this meal, preferably 40 grams.

I might then have a protein bar an hour or two later, if I'm heading to work, for instance.

Then around 8pm I try to eat another big meal, again at least 30 grams of protein.

An hour or two later, just a little bit before bed, I'll have another high protein snack, at least 20 grams, like half a cup to a cup of cashews, a scoop of protein powder, maybe protein waffles, etc, depending on what I feel.

This sort of a routine can easily get you 150 grams of protein with not a lot of effort.
@sonofstephen Depends on the day. I usually aim for at least 3,200 or so, but if I want to gain weight I think around 3,500 might be more appropriate. For context, I’m 5’9.5” and about 163lbs, with a good amount of activity on most days of the week. Always been skinny my whole life, it’s hard to shove a bunch of food down my face.
@drobbyb Lol 140? That’s easy I’m normally half way there after breakfast. My breakfast everyday is overnight oats which has a staggering 66g of protein.
1 cup rolled oats - 5g
1 cup soy ultra milk unsweetened- 20g
3/4 cup almond yoghurt - 7g
2 scoops protein powder (14g/scoop) -28g
2 tbsp flax seeds - 6 g

Boom in order to give sweetness to my oats I use blueberries and raspberries instead of sugar. I normally use about 1/2 cup of raspberry and purée it on a pan on medium low and until it turns into a syrup then I mix it in the oats then top up with 1/3 cup blueberries and pinch of cinnamon. This breakfast literally keeps me full up until lunch time. After breakfast you already have 66g the other 74 you can split into two meals (lunch and dinner) and the overnight oats have plenty of fiber and all other goodies that you need plus it’s not a lot. That recipe usually fits in like a medium sized bowl and after eating it I don’t feel bloated or anything.

Side tip: mix the everything together and put it in the fridge overnight. The raspberry purée and blueberries you will add in the morning just before eating.