@drobbyb Don't obsess over numbers. The recommendation is 1-1,6g/kg, depending on your muscle mass and activity. If you're a beginner, just keep going as you are right now and if you start to feel more sore or tired in your muscles it might be an indication you need more protein for your recovery. Then if you'd need more protein but having problems eating more, a protein shake could be useful.
@drobbyb I'm recently vegan. I was struggling with protein intake for a while and have found a really easy way. I bought 2 mason jars and a blender. I put 120g of soy protein powder, half a little of soy milk in the blender along with a banana and frozen berries. I divide the the smoothie between a glass and the 2 mason jars. I have a glass for brekkie and 1 jar for lunch and 1 after dinner. Those 3 smoothies equal 100g of protein. Along with my other meals I reach around 130-140g of protein. My body feels so much better after consistently reaching this amount of protein per day. Good luck mate