1 month today


New member
I started trying to lose weight a month ago and I am proud to say that I have completed at least 30 minutes a day on the treadmill for a full month. I’m really proud of myself and just wanted to share since I don’t have anyone to tell. I have gone from around 195 lbs to 188.5 lbs. this is the first time in a while that I have been under 190. I have been walking on the treadmill, fasting 16:8 most day (pretty difficult to do some days) and trying to stay in a calorie deficit. I’m really happy and on to my next goal of another month!!!!!
@enilorac Fasting can be a good tool but ultimately, you lose weight because you are in a calorie deficit and normally lose water weight first. Also, you need to consider adding resistance training to your regime rather than focusing on cardio. This is because it helps ensure you are losing more fat than muscle. Also, muscle is more metabolically active so as you add more muscle, you will burn more calories. To help fuel that muscle growth, you need to pay attention to what you are eating and not just calories consumed. So protein is really important. A good goal is 100g per day from lean sources. Protein powders, drinks, and bars can help you get enough protein. 25-30g of fiber helps digestion and helps with satiety. Watch your consumption of added sugar in processed foods and drinks. Try to keep that under 100g. There are plenty of tracking Apps but some people do not like to be so hyper focused on what they eat and recording everything. So focusing on just a few things and just trying to eat more on the minimally processed or whole foods side of things. Good luck with your continued weight loss.