@ering Started doing the RR in late June. Originally I just needed a prefab gym routine so I'd have somewhere to get started. I was debating either 5x5 SL or this routine. Now I do modified RR with some heavy lifting subbed in for Deep Step Ups and a bit of accessory work to improve my push-up, triceps, carry strength, and scapular depression,
STATS 5'6", mid-20's, 138-139lbs recomping since June.
GOALS My most immediate goal is FSHS. Down the line, I want to walk on my hands! HS pressups, walkovers, and HS on rings, with an ultimate goal of aerial or ring or hoop tricks, sound AWESOME.
CURRENT PROGRESSION I just graduated from Wall Plank to CTW/STW handstand 10s. Working on my hollow hold, too. Words can't describe how it feels to move up!