@ering Cool!

Stats: Male, 1.88 m, 80 kg

Goal: 30 s freestanding HS or a nice twerk in HS. Whichever comes first, haha

Current progression: getting 20 s inconsistently, and have the entry to twerk (straddle, then bent legs) kinda down. I fall within 2 seconds of starting the twerking though
@ering Stats: M/17/180cm/63kg

Goal: Doing a 10 second handstand from kick up

Current Progression: Currently working one leg supported wall handstand, and working on toe and heel pull. I can do 10 seconds off the wall on a good day (working on consistency)

Handstands have always been my weakness
@ering I've been practicing handstands on and off or almost a year. Had a shoulder injury in jan that set me back 6 months. Just started again this summer.
stats: male, 6'-1", 158lbs
age: mid 30s
Current progression: kickups into back to wall HS / kickup into freestanding HS
Goal: improve form and get a freestanding HS for longer than a split second.
@ering Started doing the RR in late June. Originally I just needed a prefab gym routine so I'd have somewhere to get started. I was debating either 5x5 SL or this routine. Now I do modified RR with some heavy lifting subbed in for Deep Step Ups and a bit of accessory work to improve my push-up, triceps, carry strength, and scapular depression,

STATS 5'6", mid-20's, 138-139lbs recomping since June.

GOALS My most immediate goal is FSHS. Down the line, I want to walk on my hands! HS pressups, walkovers, and HS on rings, with an ultimate goal of aerial or ring or hoop tricks, sound AWESOME.

CURRENT PROGRESSION I just graduated from Wall Plank to CTW/STW handstand 10s. Working on my hollow hold, too. Words can't describe how it feels to move up!
@ering Hey!
Male, 20, 1m90, 83kg.
I just cant seem to hold that long of a stomach to wall handstand with shoulder-width hands... And it feels like my pelvic always goes in weird positions when inforget about it. I also lack endurance, which make the HS sessions pretty short. Any advice is welcomed
@ering STATS: Male, 182cm 75kg.

GOAL: One arm handstand, press to handstand.

Current progression Handstand to one arm handstand this! and trainning so hard press to handstand (stucked on frog to handstand)
@ering STATS: Male 5'6"

Goals: Play with shapes and blocks. Open shoulders more. Increase hold time. Keep straight legs in my kickups to not give /@dontdosadness anymore heart attacks.

Current Progression: 20-30s avg handstand, ok line
@ering Gender: M, 27, 174cm, 70kg+-

Goal: Frog to Handstand /Slow Pressup

Current Progression: Did the Frog to Handstand once including holding it at the top, but didnt manage to do it ever since :( Other than that best was about 20s Free Handstand with close to perfect form holding it still and in place. With walking to balance out I did 30+ but I do not count it, since I didn't hold still for enough time IMO.
@ering Hey! Funny that I got into handstands again and this comes up.

STATS: Male, 5'10, 158

GOAL: To be able to do a handstand of any kind or get close to it.

CURRENT PROGRESSION: I starte today, so far I can do a wall HS. Going to try to progress to other forms soon.

Being able to do a handstand has always been a sort of dream of mine, been feeling down recently, so I might as well try to make one of my dreams come true
@ering Awesome. This is by far the most fun part of the RR, and always the most challenging. I'm psyched, I wanna go vertical!

STATS: M/29/5'11"/175lbs

GOAL: CTW HS for 60 secs (without killing myself on exit)

CURRENT: Wall plank for 60 secs

Nothing for a form check yet, but I'll make sure to do that! Good luck everyone!

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