1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

@button I think you should put this up on the original post as well. It will allow people to see how you look every day and also the leg gains!
@dawn16 😂😂 almost didnt notice this when making the progress pics, super funny you caught it too! Thank you very much, beard game strength mostly comes from laziness.
@button I'm currently working on pistols and progress is VERY slow. I've been training different progressions but my ankle mobility is still lacking. If you had issues squating in the past, I imagine that mobility was probably an issue for you as well.

How were your able to get up to 15 in a year? I'm a female and still can only do about 5-7 assisted after a year, granted women put on muscle more slowly.

I do general mobility work and yoga, nothing seems to make a huge difference. I'd love to hear your strategy. Maybe you have done things I haven't thought of.
@iroro1 I definitely had ankle mobility limitations! Just stretched the calves a lot and spent time at the bottom of a squat when working on mobility.

I think a big part of my reps shooting up quickly is due to my lack of previous leg training (I had a lot of room for growth).

Pistol squats were always my first leg excercise on leg day. I started with assisted pistols as well. I think always getting all your reps in is huge (dropping weight/difficulty to finish a set).

Doing slow negatives, pistols on a raised plane, using trx for assistance we're all things I would do once I couldn't perform my proper reps.

My biggest suggestion is get 4 sets of at least 5 reps of anything. Track that progress week to week adding on one rep of something more difficult in those sets.

I also have done a lot of slack lining in the past few months and I basically would do a high step up every time I got on that dang thing so I'm sure that helped a lot.

Good luck on your journey!
@button Interesting about the pistol squat... I've never had to go through any progression to do them, I attempted and I did it. I currently pistol squat while holding 10kg weight straight arms x 12 reps on each leg, not trying to flex hehe just interested to know what limits people to do pistol squat as I am trying to teach my sister how to do it. I think the reason why I am able to do pistol squat is because I cycle to school before and to work now in high gear even if it is uphill that my legs have gotten stronger.
@iroro1 If you only lack ankle mobility and not balance, you can try pistol squats on a descending slope or with something solid under the heel, or with a small counterweight, and reduce the slope or counterweight until your ankle mobility is good enough.

The balance and strength for pistol squats can be gained fast, but some people have trouble with gaining enough ankle mobility because of their limb proportions or ankle impingement. In my case I can barely do barefoot pistols on flat ground without falling, but with just a small slope I can do more than 20 unassisted, so I can train strength despite my limitation.
@iroro1 Good luck, I've had a few friends with poor ankle mobility who got a pistol squat the first time they tried doing it down a sufficiently steep hill or ramp. I was able to do it counterweighted with a backpack some time before gaining the bare minimum ankle mobility for flat ground and no counterweights.
@dawn16 Hi! Thank you for the compliment and the in depth post!

I am young (23) with previous weight lifting experience, so I think things moved along for me quick at the beginning. And progress has tapered down a ton, which I think is represented in the two graphs I posted.

Sorry I didnt post my early programs but they would switch sometimes weekly or monthly for the first 6 months. On top of that my reps on my plan would be a goal/suggestion and would often not follow the reps. I think this would've only confused people about my early progress.

I know my progress was fast, but still was never fast enough for me and I was always having higher standards of myself. I would look at younger people's progress and tell myself that mine was slow. I guess the grass is always greener.