[12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

@denice65 Convinced I'm slowly dying (not really, but I feel like it). Working nights is hell for me. I can't sleep enough because my body wakes up at ~10am after going to bed ~5:30am. My eating is getting jacked up.. I had to stop myself from a binge on some damn banana chips today. I literally had just ate a huge dinner and then I went for the banana chips--managed to stop myself after mindlessly eating a few. I went to Starbucks and got coffee... after drinking a coffee with dinner. I got a 200cal drink and felt guilty because I was drinking calories after already eating like crap today at a work event (had some nachos, slice of pizza, a couple fries) so when I got to work I poured the rest of my drink down the sink. Basically my eating and sleeping habits are now a mess. I don't want to have to log my food anymore.. But it's looking like I'm going to have to :/. It's so bad for me mentally but I don't want to gain weight back after I worked so hard to lose it.

I just added up my calories (estimated) and I regret the decision highly.. But it puts into perspective on how I've been eating too much lately I guess.
@denice65 I hit a 200 day streak on MyFitnessPal! That's just logging in, not tracking, but in those 200 days, I only missed 20, and had another 20 that I partially tracked.

I have logged all my food every day since January 4th though! That's 150 days straight!

I've tracked on and off for 3 years, so I'm glad I've finally cemented it as part of my daily routine.
@denice65 Fell off my bike on tuesday and jammed my wrist catching myself, it felt fine 2 days later but I didn't lift for the rest of the week just to be safe. Went to a con over the weekend and managed not to gain any weight, despite not tracking, so that was a bit of a victory.

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