[12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

@denice65 Convinced I'm slowly dying (not really, but I feel like it). Working nights is hell for me. I can't sleep enough because my body wakes up at ~10am after going to bed ~5:30am. My eating is getting jacked up.. I had to stop myself from a binge on some damn banana chips today. I literally had just ate a huge dinner and then I went for the banana chips--managed to stop myself after mindlessly eating a few. I went to Starbucks and got coffee... after drinking a coffee with dinner. I got a 200cal drink and felt guilty because I was drinking calories after already eating like crap today at a work event (had some nachos, slice of pizza, a couple fries) so when I got to work I poured the rest of my drink down the sink. Basically my eating and sleeping habits are now a mess. I don't want to have to log my food anymore.. But it's looking like I'm going to have to :/. It's so bad for me mentally but I don't want to gain weight back after I worked so hard to lose it.

I just added up my calories (estimated) and I regret the decision highly.. But it puts into perspective on how I've been eating too much lately I guess.
@denice65 I hit a 200 day streak on MyFitnessPal! That's just logging in, not tracking, but in those 200 days, I only missed 20, and had another 20 that I partially tracked.

I have logged all my food every day since January 4th though! That's 150 days straight!

I've tracked on and off for 3 years, so I'm glad I've finally cemented it as part of my daily routine.
@denice65 Fell off my bike on tuesday and jammed my wrist catching myself, it felt fine 2 days later but I didn't lift for the rest of the week just to be safe. Went to a con over the weekend and managed not to gain any weight, despite not tracking, so that was a bit of a victory.
@denice65 Day late but happy to report that there were no flubs during the long holiday weekend. I skipped the beer event we usually go to on Sunday (mostly it's just a keg of light beer while the guys play softball) because 1) there's too many kids now and 2) I generally don't much have fun anyway and can find better things to do than sit in the humid heat and drink beer. We also didn't go up to the lake cabin like usual which means I missed out on a ton of snacking.

We attempted to go biking yesterday but my husband blew his front tire about 4 miles in, heh. So I biked back to get the car while he walk/jogged a couple miles with the bike to the closest parking lot.

I believe I've met my goal weight for this challenge also (goal was to lose 10 lbs)! I decided to adjust my overall goal weight from 155 to 145. That will put me in the lower-middle of a healthy BMI for my height (5'10) and I feel like from there I can do a recomp or slow bulk and put on some muscle poundage.
@denice65 Ate way to much over the long weekend and really bummed that I didn't get to go camping and hiking as planned because my bf, after being asked all week if he was set to go if the weather was good, springs it on me the morning we are leaving that he has no sleeping bag and no shoes with enough tread to handle rough terrain or wet rocks. Grrrrr.
@denice65 Laziness led me to take a week off from lifting, and then I got sick midway through, so it looked like I knew what I was doing, haha! The week gave me a chance to focus on other goals (cycling, running) and to think about what I wanted out of my lifting program. I decided to ditch Strong Curves and start doing a PPL routine instead, eek. I'm pretty nervous about lifting 6x/week as opposed to 3-4x, but I was able to get everything done in
@denice65 The good: I did yoga, crossfit, and went for run this week! I even had a day where I was too bummed to get out of bed and run, but I managed to make myself do it anyways! It wasnt a long run, but I did it. Also, I found a store that sells protein. Sweet sweet gains, here I come.

The bad: I've been eating salami and mayo sandwiches almost every day. Sometimes twice a day. Annnd my ankle is twice its usual size due, likely due to an allergic reaction from all the mosquito bites on it.
@denice65 I was going to use the smith machine and I saw this girl and she said she's using it. And she did squats, on a smith machine, with no weights at all. I was waiting for her to finish her sets and was just baffled on how it is completely waste of her (and my) time. Not upset or anything but just baffled! hahaha
@denice65 Visited a friend I hadn't seen in a year and she really noticed the difference in how I looked! I made great choices even while eating pizza and Panda Express, and it really makes me feel like I'm getting used to smaller portions and controlling myself. I finally passed my first goal weight, and I'm excited to get to my overall goal.
@denice65 Seriously slacking off:/Had to take a break from the gym for finals and when those ended I was too busy/lazy to make time to work out. Finally getting back into it after a few weeks off. I gained 3 pounds over the course of the few off weeks but hopefully those will shed right off!
@denice65 My deadlift isn't maxing at 225 anymore. My programming called for a 220lb single this past week and it went up so fast and easy I did 2 more just to be certain. I can't wait to test my lifts again in six weeks!

This was the highlight of the week. Squats still suck, but I think I know the issue and am working during my warmups and low weight reps to correct it.
@denice65 I've been struggling a bit lately, but finally this week has been positive. I'm realising that it's ok to trust a bit more my intuition regarding caloric intake. After some weeks of MFP, I can estimate how much food is too much, and relieve some of the mental pressure of meal-tracking.

The scale hit a new low! Two people commented on my calves, which now look more defined than ever. Need to remember to take more progress pics.
@denice65 I keep getting sick and then my progress stalls. I'm losing weight (yay?) but my lifting has stopped progressing, even after two different deload attempts. I think it has to do with disrupted sleep (or simply lack there of.) I'm aiming for 6 hours a night and hitting that goal most nights. I think it's time to try for more.

But I put my first progress pic ever on facebook, so I have that going for me. I'm painfully shy, so this was a big deal. The last time I changed my picture on facebook was a year ago, and then four years before that -_-
@denice65 The whole month of May has been a struggle. All of April my husband and I managed to go during the weekend (which would be the third workout) but it just hasn't happened in May.

When I realized how often I wrote that out in my update, I felt really disappointed in myself.

What sucks is I already know this week it'll be difficult to get to the gym three times due to prior engagements. )o:
@sandoftheearth Celebrate the fact that you've made going to the gym twice a week routine. Weekends are great, but they sure make sticking to a routine difficult. If you can't get to the gym, try to fit in some extra activity however you can. Even just a walk after dinner is something.